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Thinking through Performance in China – A Workshop on Chinese theories of Acting, Singing, and Theater (c.1200–1850)
Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. 2 Divinity Ave., CambridgeThis workshop reconsiders the significance of critical writings about acting, singing, and theatrical performance in China (c.1200–1850). How did artists, intellectuals, and critics reflect on experiences of watching or listening […]
Curatorial Chat: Central Asian Chronicles Echoes of the Silk Road in Manuscripts and Imagery
Houghton Library Quincy Street & Harvard Street, CambridgeJoin co-curators Dr. Gülnar Eziz, Preceptor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University, and Isa Youshe, PhD Student, Committee on Inner Asian and Altaic Studies at Harvard University, for a 30-minute guided tour of the Central […]