Advance your work in China studies with the leading scholars in the field. The Fairbank Center offers in-resident affiliations for graduate student associates, visiting scholars, or pre- and post-doctoral fellows. We also offer Nonresident Associates in Research affiliations for scholars primarily based in New England, who participate in Center activities and interdisciplinary exchange. Learn more about our affiliates programs and how to apply.
Harvard Graduate Students
Harvard University advanced doctoral students in China Studies can join the Center for a year focused on professional development.

Visiting Scholars
Scholars from across the world with a doctoral degree join for an academic year to develop their research in China Studies.
An Wang Postdoctoral Fellows
Junior scholars spend one year at the Fairbank Center working on a book manuscript or articles, delivering research presentations and mentoring graduate students.

Hou Family Fellows in Taiwan Studies
Junior scholars in Taiwan Studies spend one year at the Center to pursue their research.
Nonresident Associates
Join our lively community of nonresident China Studies scholars based in the New England area and around the world.