Upcoming Events
Check back in January for our Spring semester events.
Miya Qiong Xie (Ph.D. ’17) Wins MLA Prize for a First Book!
The Modern Language Association of America recently awarded its thirty-first annual Modern Language Association Prize for a First Book to two recipients: Miya Qiong Xie, Associate…
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink Speaks at Harvard University on the Biden-Xi Meeting at APEC and U.S.-China Strategic Competition
On November 18, 2024, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink spoke at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs…
Faculty Spotlight
Susan Greenhalgh, the John King and Wilma Cannon Fairbank Research Professor of Chinese Society emerita, recently published Soda Science: Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola, which tells the tale of corporate influence over health culture and policy in both the United States and in China. Her burning question: How did industry leader Coca-Cola mobilize its allies in both countries to advocate for exercise, not dietary restraint, as the main fix for obesity? Greenhalgh’s numerous books explore the entanglements of the state, science, and society and their consequences for human health and social justice. Her celebrated 2008 book Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China unpacked China’s one-child policy. She delivered an update on that important subject at a Critical Issues Confronting China talk last Spring, addressing the political implications of Xi’s reframed three-child policy.
Meet Our Fellows 2024-25: Jason Chan
We continue our series of Q+As introducing you to the Fairbank Center’s new Fellows with Jason Chan, whose research is being supported by a 2024-25 Desmond and Whitney Shum Fellowship….
Transforming the Work of Literary Sinitic Studies Through Generative AI: A Q+A with the Digital China Initiative’s Kwok-leong Tang
For the great majority of Fridays during this Fall semester, the Digital China Initiative—which studies the impact of digital technologies in the field of China Studies—is offering workshops on Generative…
Support for a New Generation of China Scholars: Spotlight on Yuhua Wang
In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Yuhua Wang, Professor of Government at Harvard University, and a group of other leading scholars of Chinese politics saw a pressing need:…
Meet Our Fellows 2024-25: Sarah Plovnick
Last week, it was our pleasure to introduce you to Hardy Stewart, the Fairbank Center’s new Hou Family Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Taiwan Studies. We are now happy to introduce you to Sarah Plovnick, our…
Meet Our 2024-25 Fellows: Hardy Stewart
Following profiles on our two An Wang Fellows earlier this month, Shengqiao Lin and David Qihang Wu, we are happy to introduce you to our new Hou Family Fellows in Taiwan Studies. Hardy Stewart is a Ph.D. Candidate…