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China Humanities Seminar featuring Franciscus Verellen – The General and His Scribe: The Fall of the Tang in Contemporary Sources
Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. 2 Divinity Ave., CambridgeSpeaker: Franciscus Verellen, Professor Emeritus, École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO); Vice President, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France The understudied end phase of the Tang dynasty (618–907) is mainly […]
Tiananmen @ 35 Film Screening: The Gate of Heavenly Peace
CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (S010) 1730 Cambridge St, CambridgeIntroduction: Carma Hinton, Art historian and Documentary Filmmaker; Robinson Professor of Visual Culture and Chinese Studies, George Mason University (retired) "In The Gate of Heavenly Peace (the literal translation of the […]
Film Screening: In Our Time (Guang yin de gu shi)
Harvard Film Archive, Carpenter Center 24 Quincy St, CambridgeThe omnibus film In Our Time initiated radical innovations in terms of aesthetic styles, industry practices and commonly depicted themes, thereby revolutionizing the filmmaking industry in Taiwan and inaugurating the movement of […]