Speaker: Youn-mi Kim, Ewha Womans University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2023-24Chair/discussant: Ryuichi Abe, Harvard University This talk explores the pagodas of China’s Liao dynasty (907-1125), uncovering the intricate relationships between the materiality of Buddhist architecture and its entwined vision and virtuality. It’s essential to recognize that Buddhist materiality is deeply connected with its immateriality. This dual […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Speakers:Mark Elliott, Vice Provost for International Affairs; Mark Schwartz Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History, Harvard UniversityWilliam Kirby, T. M. Chang Professor of China Studies, Harvard University; Spangler Family Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business SchoolRana Mitter, S. T. Lee Professor of U.S.–Asia Relations, Harvard Kennedy SchoolMeg Rithmire, F. Warren McFarlan Associate Professor of […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Speaker: Margaret Hillenbrand, Professor of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, University of Oxford Margaret Hillenbrand's paper probes the links between facial recognition technology and contemporary Chinese portraiture. Its point of departure is a recent paper published by two AI researchers based in China. The paper introduces a facial recognition algorithm apparently capable of predicting the status […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Speaker: Zhao Shuyang, Nanjing University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2023-24Chair/Discussant: Prof. Xiaofei Tian, Harvard University The physical form of books plays a crucial role in human’s daily life. Prior to the advent of woodblock printing in ancient China, the manuscript era prevailed, in which all books were laboriously copied by hand. This unique method of production […]