Modern China Lecture
Fabio Lanza – Liberation through Labor? The Urban Commune Experiment in Beijing
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona In the years between 1958 and 1962, the Urban Commune movement was promoted as a radical effort to change the daily lives of city residents. By inserting women into the “productive” life of factory work, the movement also aimed at achieving a new form of everyday, based on a true equality of gender relationships, one […]
Tansen Sen – India, China, and the World: A Connected History
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Tansen Sen, New York University Shanghai By focusing on the early material exchanges, transmissions of knowledge and technologies between ancient India and ancient China; the networks of exchange during the colonial period; and some of the less-known facets of interactions between the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China, this presentation argues […]
Denise Ho – New Exhibitions and China’s Cultural Revolution: Rethinking Class, Material, Culture, and Propaganda
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Denise Y. Ho, Yale University Listen to our "Harvard on China" podcast interview with Denise Y. Ho. Download and read the transcript of this podcast interview. Denise Y. Ho is assistant professor of twentieth-century Chinese history at Yale University, and the author of "Curating Revolution: Politics on Display of Mao’s China" (2018). Using a […]
Zuoyue Wang – Transnational Science in Modern China: From May Fourth to the Cold War and Beyond
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Zuoyue Wang, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona How have transnational exchanges, especially with the United States, in science and technology shaped and reshaped modern China in the last century since the May Fourth Movement of 1919? This talk explores key players and events in this history from the Science Society of China during the […]
Anne Reinhardt – Navigating Semi-Colonialism: Shipping, Sovereignty, and Nation-Building in China 1860-1937
Speaker: Anne Reinhardt, Williams College China’s status in the world of expanding European empires of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has long been under dispute. Its unequal relations with multiple powers, secured through a system of treaties rather than through colonization, has invited debated over the degree and significance of outside control and local sovereignty. […]
Felix Boecking | Chinese trade wars in historical perspective— No Great Wall: Trade, Tariffs, and Nationalism in Republican China, 1927-1945
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesListen to an interview with Felix Boecking on our "Harvard on China" podcast. Download and read the podcast transcript here Download and read the podcast transcript here. Speaker: Felix Boecking, University of Edinburgh No Great Wall (Harvard Asia Center, 2017), an in-depth study of Nationalist tariff policy, fundamentally challenges the widely accepted idea that the key to the Communist seizure […]
Wen-hsin Yeh – Vast Ocean, Small People: The Aborigines of Taiwan
Speaker: Wen-hsin Yeh, University of California at Berkeley For centuries under the Ming and the Qing, indigenous communities of Taiwan (i.e. the Austronesian-speaking tribal groups in the mountains and on the Pacific side of the island) led distinct styles of life in a state of relative insularity. That insularity ended in the 19th century when […]
MODERN CHINA LECTURE SERIES FEATURING Sören Urbanksy – Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian border Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Sören Urbanksy, Research Fellow, German Historical Institute Washington The Sino-Russian border, once the world’s longest land border, was special in many ways. It not only divided the two largest Eurasian empires, it was also the place where European and Asian civilizations met, where nomads and […]
Modern China Lecture Series Featuring Gina Anne Tam – Dialect and the Making of Modern China: From Republican Revolutionaries to Hong Kong Protesters Read the transcript for the event here. Speaker: Gina Anne Tam, Assistant Professor of History, Trinity University Taking aim at the conventional narrative that standard, national languages transform 'peasants' into citizens, this talk will trace the history of the Chinese nation and national identity on fangyan - languages like Shanghainese, Cantonese, and dozens […]
Modern China Lecture Series Featuring Fei-Hsien Wang – Everybody Loves Qianlong: Vernacular Fantasies, Cultural Consumption, and the “Prosperous Age” in Post-Imperial China Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Fei-Hsien Wang, Associate Professor, Department of History, Indiana University Bloomington Examining a wide range of cultural products and genres from the late nineteenth century to the present, this talk traces the evolution of the vernacular myths and popular fantasies about Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). As China’s […]
Modern China Lecture Series Featuring Covell Meyskens – Mao’s Massive Military Industrial Campaign to Defend Cold War China Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Covell Meyskens, Assistant Professor of Chinese History, Naval Postgraduate School In 1964, the Chinese Communist Party made a momentous policy decision. In response to rising tensions with the United States and Soviet Union, a top-secret massive military-industrial complex in the mountains of inland China was […]
Modern China Lecture Series featuring Eddy U – A New Approach to Studying the Chinese Intellectual Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Eddy U, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Davis No system of rule has objectified the intellectual as much as communist rule of the twentieth century. Communist regimes codified, identified, and governed part of the general population as intellectuals based on Marxist thought. This talk […]