
Modern Chinese Humanities Seminar featuring Laurence Coderre – The Future Is Now: On Newborn Socialist Things

Speaker: Laurence Coderre, Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies, New York University Read the transcript of the event here. Whereas the contemporary era in China is often depicted in terms of rampant, ideologically vacuous commodification, the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) is typically cast as a time of ubiquitous politics and scarce goods. Indeed, with […]

Modern Chinese Humanities Seminar Featuring Pang Laikwan – Economic Sovereignty in Contemporary China: The Biopolitical Subject as Garlic Chive Speaker: Pang Laikwan, Professor of Cultural Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong This paper focuses on the wide popularity of the meme and buzzword jiucai, garlic chives, on China’s internet to investigate the cultural and political subjectivity of the ordinary Chinese citizens in a time of fierce competition simply to survive, largely known […]

Modern Chinese Humanities Seminar Featuring Ma Shaoling — The Stone and the Wireless: Lyrical Media and Bad Models of the Feeling Women

Speaker: Ma Shaoling, Assistant Professor of Humanities, Yale-NUS College Authors often talk about their books via the introduction or the conclusion, and sidestep what lies in the middle. The title of my book, The Stone and the Wireless, refers to two figures that bookend particular communicative imaginations of the late Qing in my study, but […]

Modern Chinese Humanities Seminar Featuring Michel Hockx — The Shifting Limits of Reform: Literature and Censorship in China since 1979

Speaker: Michel Hockx, Professor of Chinese Literature, University of Notre Dame On July 30, 1979, Deng Xiaoping addressed the fourth national conference of Chinese writers and artists. Towards the end of his speech he stated, to collective sighs of relief, that “the Party’s leadership of literature and the arts does not mean issuing orders, nor […]