
Urban China Series featuring Eli Friedman – The Urbanization of People: The Politics of Development, Labor Markets, and Schooling in the Chinese City

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Speaker: Eli Friedman, Cornell University Beginning in 2014 China’s central government began pushing for more people to move to cities, as they believe that increased urbanization will be necessary in advancing a new phase of economic development. But despite cities' heavy reliance on the labor of rural migrants, major institutional obstacles remain for those wishing […]

Urban China Series featuring Chen Jinsong

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Speaker: Chen Jinsong, Shenzhen Worldunion Group (世联行) This event series is made possible by the generous support of the MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab, the School of Community and Regional Planning at the University of British Columbia, and the Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Venue

Urban China Series featuring Tao Ran – The China Model of Growth and Urbanization 

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Speaker: Tao Ran, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) This talk outlines a holistic analytical framework for China’s current growth and urbanization model, as well as its political and economic background and consequences. Tao Ran argues that China has developed an investment-driven and export-oriented growth and urbanization model since the mid-1990s. Under this model, […]

Urban China Series featuring Adam Liu: Small Banks, Big Politics: The Cause and Consequences of Bank Proliferation in China

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Speaker: Adam Liu, National University of Singapore The Henan bank protest, the Evergrande crisis, and the perennial local government debt issue in China all point to one thing: there’s something wrong with the country’s banking system and Beijing needs to fix it. In particular, it needs to better regulate the numerous small banks that are now so intimately […]

Urban China Series featuring Cai Meina – Legal Discrimination, Contention Pyramid, and Land Takings in China

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Speaker: Cai Meina, University of Connecticut How do land-dispossessed villagers protect their interests in a context where the legal framework discriminates against them? Contrary to the existing research that focuses on protests, this research identifies negotiations as a strategy of the dispossessed to engage with local governments and improve their compensation arrangement. Negotiations are more […]

Urban China Series featuring Su Xiaobo: Urbanization and the Political Economy of Border Control in China

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Photo by 瑞丽江的河水 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, (License: Speaker: Su Xiaobo, University of Oregon Border cities in hinterland China have been reshaped as hotbeds of investment ever since the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). They have become new economic centers to facilitate cross-border flows between China and neighboring […]

Urban China Series featuring Zhang Jipeng – Hukou Reform, Return Migration,and Implications for Urban Development in China

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Speaker: Zhang Jipeng, Shandong University In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in Hukou reform. Based on government policy documents and our fieldwork, we construct a quantitative measure of Hukou registration barriers in Chinese cities. First-tier and some second-tier cities set high criteria for local Hukou registration that have become more stringent over time, […]

Urban China Series featuring Leif Johnson – Building infrastructure, building the urban: Migrant labor in a Shanghai fiber-optic reconstruction project

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Speaker: Leif Johnson, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University While scholars have long tracked China’s rapid infrastructural development, the everyday labor of migrant workers in infrastructural construction has often been rendered as a natural and uncomplicated aspect of rural-urban migration. In response, I trace the development of a long-term telecommunications infrastructure reconstruction project in Shanghai from the perspective […]

Urban China Series Featuring Yuan Qifeng: Cross-Border Competition and Governance in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau

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Speaker: Yuan Qifeng, Professor, School of Architecture, South China University of Technology This talk will be conducted in Mandarin. The concept of the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau signifies a national strategic focus on the governance of one country with two systems, three customs zones, and across eleven urban regions. However, […]

Urban China Series Featuring Li Zhigang: China’s New Experiments of Urban Neighborhood Governance

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Speaker: Li Zhigang, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, China ***This talk will be in Mandarin*** China faces significant challenges in neighborhood governance, particularly in old and dilapidated neighborhoods (老旧社区). In this context, some new and experimental approaches to neighborhood governance have emerged. This talk focuses on three representative […]

Urban China Series Featuring Andrew Grant: Abject Space in Redevelopment: Urban Tibetans in Xining’s Old City Center

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Speaker: Andrew Grant, University of Tampa Examining Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, this talk argues that urban redevelopment and greenfield expansion have devalued the older urban areas in which Tibetans live.  Through over twenty months of fieldwork between 2012 and 2017, I found that un-redeveloped urban places were becoming increasingly associated with crime, grime, and […]

Urban China Series Featuring Leonardo Ramondetti: The Enriched Field: Urbanizing the Central Plains of China

Presented via Zoom

Speaker: Leonardo Ramondetti, Post-doctoral Researcher, Politecnico di Torino Since the early 2000s, China has seen unprecedented urban growth, spreading to every corner of the country. Driven by the urban entrepreneurialism of major municipalities until the mid-2000s, the reins have since passed to the central and regional administrations which plan development in a more comprehensive and […]