
Philippe Le Corre – China and Europe: Potential Partners or Systemic Rivals?

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Read event summary here Speaker: Philippe Le Corre, Harvard Kennedy School Philippe Le Corre is an affiliate with the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship and a senior fellow with Harvard Kennedy School's Mossavar-Rahmani Center on Business and Government at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is also a former fellow with the Belfer Center. Philippe […]

Sebastian Veg – Minjian: the Rise of China’s Grassroots Intellectuals

Speaker: Sebastian Veg, School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris While China’s intellectuals throughout the twentieth century were defined in terms of their elite position and responsibility for the nation, this role was profoundly challenged after the crackdown on the democracy movement of 1989. In its aftermath, new groups of intellectuals emerged from […]

2019 Gender Studies Workshop: Images, Objects, and Gender in China

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

12:45-1 p.m.    Welcoming remarks First Panel Moderator:     Catherine Vance Yeh 1-1:30p.m.       Jeehee Hong,  “ ‘Gender’ and Affect in Song Faces” 1:30-2p.m.       Mao Wen-Fang,  “The Object and the Beauty in Painting: the Metaphorical Viewing and Lyrical Interpretations of Portrait Texts in the Modes of ‘San hao三好’ (three good things) and ‘Lang yu li郎與麗’ (gentleman […]

Yan Xuetong and Graham Allison: US-China Competition in the Age of the Knowledge Economy

Belfer Center Library Room 369, Littauer Center 79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Yan Xuetong,  Distinguished Professor and Dean of the Institute of International Relations, Tsinghua University Moderator: Graham Allison, Douglas Dillon Professor of Government and former Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

The EU and China as Global Actors: The Cases of Syria and Africa

Adolphus Busch Hall 27 Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speakers: Catherine Gegout, Harvard Kennedy School Fidel Sendagort, Former Ambassador of Spain to Egypt The panelists will discuss the differing approaches towards conflict management, and the different ways through which China and the European Union (EU) engage with the world. Specifically, they will discuss the Chinese and European policy towards the Syrian conflict and their methods […]

Katie Hill – A History Written by Our Bodies: Artistic Activism and the Agonistic Chinese Voice of Mad For Real’s Performances at the end of the Twentieth Century

Room 422, Sackler Building 485 Broadway, Cambridge, MA, United States

Dr. Katie Hill's talk will discuss the work of Mad For Real, a performance duo (Cai Yuan and Jianjun Xi) who work between Britain and China and became known for pioneering interventional performance in the public space using the city of London as a cultural canvas. Her talk explores the duo's artistic activism at the […]

Michael Kingston – Arctic Shipping and the Northern Sea Route, Shipping Trends, and The New Polar Code Regulations: The Concerns and Contributions of The International Insurance Industry

CGIS South Room S354 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Michael Kingston, Managing Director, Michael Kingston Associates; Special Advisor, Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group, Arctic Council Moderator: George Soroka, Lecturer, Harvard University; Center Associate, Davis Center More info:

Margaret K. Lewis – Why Law Matters in Taiwan

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Listen to an interview with Margaret Lewis on our "Harvard on China" podcast. Download and read the transcript of this podcast interview here. Speaker: Margaret K. Lewis, Seton Hall University School of Law Professor Margaret Lewis’s research focuses on law in mainland China and Taiwan with an emphasis on criminal justice. Professor Lewis has been […]

Mandopop: 40 Years of Chinese Popular Music and Culture

Hall D, Science Center 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Watch again: Listen again: Speakers: GAO Xiaosong 高曉松 FANG Wenshan (Vincent Fang) 方文山 LUO Dayou (Lo Ta-yu) 羅大佑 Yin Yue 尹約 This is a ticketed event. Only ticket holders will be allowed in the auditorium. All available tickets have been distributed. This talk will be conducted in a mixture of English and Mandarin.

Maria Adele Carrai – Sovereignty in China and the Long Legacies of History

Speaker: Maria Adele Carrai, Fellow, Harvard Asia Center; Senior Researcher, KU Leuwen, Belgium Chair: William Alford, Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of Law; Director, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School Discussant: Anne Orford, Visiting Professor of Law and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization, Harvard Law School Asia Center Fellows Seminar Series

Harutoshi Matsutani – The Social Cost of Automobiles and Environment Policies in Asia: A Comparative Study on China and Japan

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Harutoshi Matsutani, Fellow, Harvard Asia Center; Professor of Economics, Aichi University, Japan Chair: Ezra Vogel, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, Emeritus Discussant:  Andrew Gordon, Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History, Harvard University; Acting Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute Asia Center Fellows Seminar Series