Panel Discussion: The End of Concern: Maoist China, Activism, and Asian Studies
CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (S010) 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesPanelists: Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University Andrew Gordon, Harvard University Joseph Esherick, University of California San Diego Sugata Bose, Harvard University Lien-Hang Nguyen, Columbia University Bruce Cumings, University of Chicago Moderator: Karen Thornber, Harvard University Asia Center Organized by: Arunabh Ghosh, Harvard University Co-Sponsored by: Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies Harvard University Asia Center Reischauer Institute […]
Frank Lavin – Is China ready for the international major leagues?
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead the event summary here Speaker: Ambassador Frank Lavin, CEO of Export Now
Fabio Lanza – Liberation through Labor? The Urban Commune Experiment in Beijing
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona In the years between 1958 and 1962, the Urban Commune movement was promoted as a radical effort to change the daily lives of city residents. By inserting women into the “productive” life of factory work, the movement also aimed at achieving a new form of everyday, based on a true equality of gender relationships, one […]
China’s Anti-Poverty Miracle?
JFK Jr. Forum, Harvard Kennedy School 79 John F. Kennedy St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesPanelists: Lu Mai Secretary General, China Development Research Foundation Rohini Pande Rafik Hariri Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard Kennedy School Anthony Saich Daewoo Professor of International Affairs and Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School Graham Allison (Moderator) Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, Harvard Kennedy School
Panel Discussion – Strongman Politics in the 21st Century
CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (S010) 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeakers: Elsa Clavé, Harvard University Asia Center Ayşe Kadıoğlu, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University Joseph Fewsmith, Boston University Valerie Sperling, Clark University Moderator: Thomas Vallely, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School Listen again on Soundcloud: As the role of "strongman" leaders on the world stage appears to be […]
Wen-Yi Huang – Families Divided: Migration and Those Left Behind in Fifth- and Sixth-Century China
Speaker: Wen-Yi Huang, An Wang Post-Doctoral Fellow, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University In this talk I explore the impact of migration on family members left behind, particularly those whose parents, children, siblings, and spouses were forcibly moved to the Northern Wei (386-534 CE) from four successive southern states of Eastern Jin (317-420 CE), Liu-Song (420-479 […]
Tansen Sen – India, China, and the World: A Connected History
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Tansen Sen, New York University Shanghai By focusing on the early material exchanges, transmissions of knowledge and technologies between ancient India and ancient China; the networks of exchange during the colonial period; and some of the less-known facets of interactions between the Republic of India and the People’s Republic of China, this presentation argues […]
William Alford – Learn from the Past to Appreciate the Present, That is What Makes One a Teacher 溫故而知新,可以為師矣: Confucius, Cohen (s) and Contemporary China
Milstein West, Wasserstein Hall 1585 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: William P. Alford, Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard University Dean John F. Manning invites you to join the Harvard Law School Community and Friends in honoring William P. Alford on the occasion of his appointment as the Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of East […]
Jerome A. Cohen – Law and Power in China and in Its Foreign Relations
Room 111 Austin West, Harvard Law School 1515 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Jerome A. Cohen, Professor of Law, NYU School of Law; Of Counsel, Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison; Founding Director, East Asian Legal Studies Program East Asian Legal Studies Lunchtime Talk Series
Su-Bing Chang – Taiwan Biographical Database: An Introduction
Speaker: Su-bing Chang, Professor, National Taiwan University; Visiting Scholar, Fairbank Center Please RSVP to Feng-en Tu (
Tony Saich – Xi’s Policy Challenges: Some Questions for Discussion
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead the event summary here Speaker: Tony Saich, Harvard Kennedy School
Anna Sun – Turning Ghosts into Ancestors: Ritual, Gender, and the Afterlife in Contemporary Urban China
Andover Hall, Braun Room 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Anna Sun, Kenyon College, Visiting Associate Professor of Women’s Studies and East Asian Religions Lunch will be provided.