
Critical Issues Confronting China Lecture Series featuring David Dollar – China’s Economy Faces Domestic and External Challenges Speaker: David Dollar, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution China has gotten COVID-19 under control and is poised to bounce back strongly with 8% growth in 2021.  But in the medium term it faces daunting domestic and external challenges. On the domestic side, demographic […]

East Asian Digital Scholarship Series featuring Matthias Kaun – An Introduction to CrossAsia

Speaker: Matthias Kaun, Director of the East Asia Department, Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin) Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) has been developing and running the platform CrossAsia ( for more than a decade. It was launched in 2005 to provide an easy to use and central point of access to the printed and […]

Fairbank Center Director’s Seminar Featuring Tyler Jost: Institutional Origins of Miscalculation in Chinese Foreign Policy

Speaker: Tyler Jost, Assistant Professor of Political Science, International & Public Affairs and Watson Institute Assistant Professor of China Studies, Brown University Moderator: Elizabeth J. Perry, Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government and Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University Tyler Jost's research focuses on international security and Chinese foreign policy, with a particular interest in the design […]

Modern China Lecture Series featuring Taomo Zhou – Leveraging Liminality: Shenzhen and the Origins of China’s Reform and Opening Speaker: Taomo Zhou, Assistant Professor of History, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Immediately north of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is China’s most successful Special Economic Zone (SEZ). Commonly known as the “social laboratory” of reform and opening, Shenzhen was the foremost frontier for the People’s Republic’s adoption of market principles and entrance into the world […]

Critical Issues Confronting China Lecture Series featuring Eswar Prasad – China’s Role in Global Finance Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Eswar Prasad, Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy, Cornell University; Senior Fellow and New Century Chair in International Economics, Brookings Institution; Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. This lecture will discuss China’s economic prospects, policies, and reforms, and their implications for its role in […]

Harvard-Yenching Library Bibliographic Orientation Session

The Harvard-Yenching Library is offering virtual bibliographic orientation sessions via Zoom to introduce you to the most important Chinese language resources. Presented via Zoom Registration Required Register at:

Gods of Leather and Lilies: Ancestral Spirits and Community Leadership Culture in the Buddhist Debates at Kōyasan

Speaker: Elizabeth Tinsley, University of California, Irvine Since the early fifteenth century, the monastic participants in the Risseigi debates at the Kōyasan esoteric Buddhist community have been promoted to membership in the “Myōjin-kō” confraternity. Although debate protocol was based on that of Kōfukuji’s, the process by which the debating priests were qualified for the confraternity […]

China Economy Lecture Series featuring Angela Zhang — Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How the Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation Speaker: Angela Zhang, Director of the Center for Chinese Law and Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong In this webinar, Angela Zhang will discuss her new book Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How the Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation (Oxford University Press). This book examines the unique ways in which China regulates and […]

Fairbank Center Director’s Seminar featuring Martin K. Whyte – China’s Hukou System: How an Engine of Development Has Now Become a Major Obstacle Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Martin K. Whyte, John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Sociology, Emeritus, and former director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University As the People’s Republic of China has pursued economic development over the decades, a central dilemma concerns how to treat its […]

Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Jessica Chen Weiss – A World Safe for Autocracy: The Domestic Politics of China’s Foreign Policy Speaker: Jessica Chen Weiss, Associate Professor of Government, Cornell University How does China’s domestic governance shape its foreign policy? What role do nationalism and ideology play in Beijing’s regional and global ambitions? The Chinese leadership has been at once a revisionist, defender, reformer, and free-rider in the international system—insisting rigidly on issues that […]