Longmen Grottoes: New Perspectives
CGIS South Room S354 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesA UNESCO World Heritage Site filled with magnificently carved Buddhist caves, the Longmen Grottoes are renown throughout the world for their enduring legacy to Chinese art. Join experts from the Longmen Grottoes Research Academy and leading scholars for a day of cutting-edge research, archaeological findings, preservation work, and a special viewing of the Longmen Digital Retrieval […]
Film Screening: “Vanished Archives”
Northwest Building, Room B103 52 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesThe 1967 riots are a watershed in Hong Kong history and some would say the starting point for the development of Hong Kong consciousness. Yet the official records of this critical period today are sadly incomplete. What information can be found online is hard to verify and authenticate. Documentary film director Connie Lo Yan-wai spent four years […]
Fox’s Spirit under Tiger’s Might: The Struggles for Identity and Integration among the Hakka Community in Southern Vietnam
Speaker: Nguyen Ngoc Tho, Advanced Researcher, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Social Science and Humanities, Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City; HYI Visiting Scholar Chair/discussant: Robert Weller, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boston University There are around 823,000 ethnic Chinese in Vietnam, of which 95% are living in southern Vietnam. Due to historical and social backgrounds, the […]
Critical Issues Confronting China Series – Global Leadership and its Discontents in China and the United States
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesEvent Summary Speaker: David Rank, former Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy, Beijing
Does Neighborhood Urban Form Influence Non-Motorized Transport in Chengdu, China? Toward Walkable Low-Carbon Cities
Pierce Hall 100F 29 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Guan ChengHe, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-China Project; Research Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Design Sustainable urban form that encourages low-carbon travel can help respond to the environmental challenges associated with urbanization. Non-motorized transport (NMT) effectively reduces the per capita carbon footprint of city dwellers. From the concept of compact cities to smart growth policies, many have […]
River, Governance and Place: Sentiment in The Travels of Lao Can
Speaker: Hsu Hui-Lin, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University; HYI Visiting Scholar Chair/discussant: Karen Thornber Professor of Comparative Literature and of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University Sentiment has been viewed as a major force of modernization. Studies in the past decade are inclined to understand modern sentiment in early 1900s China […]
China Biographical Database and Social Network Analysis
Northwest Building, Room B129 52 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeakers: Peter K. Bol, Vice Provost, and Dr. Amelia Ying Qin The workshop will cover design, data population, and search functions of the China Biographical Database in relation to sample research questions. Sample Database query results will be analyzed through Social Network Analysis. Part of the Digital China Initiative Workshop Series 24-seat limit. Light refreshments served. […]
Thomas DuBois: China’s Dairy Century – Making, Drinking and Dreaming of Milk
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Thomas DuBois, Modern China Historian China’s dairy industry has of late become big news. A country that few would have instinctively associated with milk has emerged as the world’s third largest producer (following India and the United States), and second largest consumer of dairy. But the significance of dairy in China is not merely […]
After the Chinese Communist Party Congress: Where does China go from here?
The CCP Congress scheduled on 18th October 2017 was one of the most important domestic political events in China, showcasing its leadership transition. The panel will discuss the future of China in the wake of this Congress, and what Xi Jinping’s leadership holds for China’s rise. Panelists: David Barboza, Journalist, Pulitzer Prize winner, The New York […]
Exhibition Opening and Panel Discussion – Black and Red Revolution: Dazibao and Woodcuts from 1960s China
CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (S010) 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United States哈佛费正清中国研究中心的大字报特展 Join the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies for a panel discussion and reception to celebrate the launch of our new exhibition of Cultural Revolution-era artworks. The exhibition will be on display in the CGIS South Building Asia Centers Lounge, 1730 Cambridge Street from November 9 to November 30, 2017. This is the first time that these dazibao (or […]
Xiaolu Guo – Nine Continents: A Memoir In and Out of China
Harvard Book Store 1256 Massachusetts Ave.,, Cambridge, MA, United StatesHarvard Book Store welcomes award-winning film director Xiaolu Guo for a discussion of her memoir, Nine Continents: A Memoir In and Out of China. This event includes a book signing. This event is free; no tickets are required.
New Noir: Chinese Crime Films
Film noir, as its meaning “black film” or “film of the night” indicates, is an art of darkness. For its connotation of pessimism and menace, crime, especially unsolved ones, has been a rare event in Chinese cinema, because it is considered by the authority as an admission to the discontents of life in what is […]