
Panel Discussion – East Asia Responds to U.S. Election Results

Presenters: Toshihiro Nakayama, Professor of American Politics and Foreign Policy, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University; Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs Shin-wha Lee, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University Wu Xinbo, Dean, Institute of International Studies; Director, Center for American Studies; Fudan University Discussant: Ezra Vogel, Honorary Director, Program on […]

Economy Lecture Series featuring Kristen Looney – Rural Development in China and East Asia Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Kristen Looney, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies and Government, Georgetown University Moderator/Discussant: Meg Rithmire, F. Warren McFarlan Associate Professor of Business of Administration, Harvard Business School This talk tackles the question of how countries achieve rural development and offers a new way of thinking about East […]

Tao Leigh Goffe – “My Mother Told Me I am Chinese”: Afro-Asian Aesthetics in the Caribbean

Speaker: Tao Leigh Goffe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Africana Studies and the Department of Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cornell University In this talk, Professor Tao Leigh Goffe will discuss the aesthetic challenge 'Chinese' poses as a racial category in the Caribbean. The introduction of Chinese as a category of labor to the West Indian […]

Environment in Asia Lecture Series – Infectious Diseases and Public Health Management in China: From Historical and Anthropological Perspectives Read the transcript of the event here. Speakers: Nicole Elizabeth Barnes, Duke University Mary Augusta Brazelton, The University of Cambridge Miriam Gross, The University of Oklahoma Elanah Uretsky, Brandeis University Moderator: Ling Zhang, Boston College Nicole Elizabeth Barnes is an Assistant Professor in the Departments of History and Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies […]

East Asian Digital Scholarship Community Hour

Read the transcript of the event here.   The East Asian Digital Scholarship Community Hour is an experimental and casual community-building event. It aims to provide a platform for scholars, graduate students, in particular, to share their ideas, skills, big and small projects, and learn from each other. Examples of presentation topics include but […]

Xingyi Wang – Boundary of the Body: The Monastic Robe and Revival of the Vinaya in Medieval China and Japan

Speaker: Xingyi Wang, PhD Candidate, Harvard University Modern scholarship often compares Buddhist monastic rules to legal codes or treats them mainly as nominal prescriptions. The reality, however, was more complex than what appeared on paper. I propose a new understanding of the Vinaya which sees it as vital device and site for the formation of […]

Tahir Hamut Izgil and Rana Yashar Aybala – Uyghur Poetry in Translation

Join us for the opportunity to hear from Tahir Hamut Izgil and Rana Yashar Aybala, two of the foremost poets writing in Uyghur today. The event will feature opening remarks by Mark Elliott, Harvard’s Vice Provost of International Affairs, followed by presentations from both poets. We will also have the opportunity to hear from Dr […]

Cheng Yu-yu – Revolution in the Nation of Poetry: Physical and Linguistic Perspectives since 1919 (詩國革命的「漢語」脈絡)

Speaker: Cheng Yu-yu, National Taiwan University This talk will be given in Mandarin. Once Chinese poetry becomes “modern poetry,” its so-called modernity must be discussed in the context of the modernity of “Chinese language” itself. From the late Qing and early Republican periods on, when confronted with the invasion of such things as new lexicon, new academic […]

Meng Gao – The Essential Role of Vertical Profile Observations of Atmospheric Composition in China

**PLEASE NOTE THE DATE OF THIS EVENT HAS CHANGED FROM NOVEMBER 18 TO DECEMBER 2** Speaker: Meng Gao, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University; Associate, Harvard-China Project Monitoring and modeling/predicting air pollution are crucial to understanding the links between emissions and air pollution levels, to supporting air quality management, and to reducing human […]

Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Edward Cunningham – Understanding CCP Resilience: Surveying Chinese Public Opinion Through Time Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Edward Cunningham, Director of Ash Center China Programs and of the Asia Energy and Sustainability Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School Part of the Critical Issues Confronting China Series Presented via Zoom Webinar

Michael Szonyi – Did Chinese Peasants Have a Revolution? Perspectives from the Long Twentieth-Century

Speaker: Michael Szonyi, Frank Wen-hsiung Wu Professor of Chinese History; Director, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University. Discussant: Gail Hershatter, Distinguished Professor of History, University of California - Santa Cruz Moderator: Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor's Professor of History, University of Califorina - Irvine For much of the last seventy years the answer to the question “Did Chinese […]

From 30 Million to Zero Malaria Cases in China: Lessons Learned for Malaria- Eliminating Countries in Africa

On December 7–8, 2020, Harvard University will partner with National Institute for Parasitic Diseases (NIPD), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization to convene a special scientific symposium titled, “From 30 Million to Zero Malaria Cases in China: Lessons Learned for Malaria-Eliminating Countries in Africa.” Participants will gain insights […]