Reporting from China: A Conversation with New York Times Correspondent David Barboza
Speaker: David Barboza, New York Times reporter and 2016 Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow at Harvard's Nieman Foundation Join David Barboza for a discussion about the challenges and opportunities of reporting from China. Prior to his selection as Knight Visiting Fellow, Barboza most recently served as Shanghai bureau chief for the Times. Ash Center Director and Daewoo Professor of International […]
Unpacking China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Its Energy and Environmental Implications
Pierce Hall 100F 29 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Weidong Liu, Professor in Economic Geography, Assistant Director, and Chair of the Center for the Belt and Road Initiative, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Science In 2013, China’s President, Xi Jinping, proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), sometimes alternatively labeled "One Belt, One Road." The State Council authorized the […]
Establishing the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Lawyer’s View
Speaker: Natalie Lichtenstein, Adjunct Professor of China Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Inaugural General Counsel, AIIB (retired) Chair: Ezra Vogel, Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences Emeritus, Harvard University Asia Center Seminar Series; co-sponsored with the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Chinese Religions Seminar: Illness, Healing, and Ritual in Chinese Religion
Participants: Jessey Choo, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey TJ Hinrichs, Cornell University Antje Richter, University of Colorado Stephen Teiser, Princeton University Organizers: Michael Puett, Harvard University Robert Weller, Boston University Schedule: 10:00-11:15: Stephen Teiser, “Deceptively Simple Acts of Healing in Chinese Buddhism.” 11:15-11:30: Coffee Break 11:30-12:45: Antje Richter “Illness Narratives in Early Medieval […]
Taiwan Studies: New Directions and Connections
Workshop for Taiwan Studies: New Directions and Connections, organized by Professor David Der-wei Wang.
Taiwan Studies: New Directions and Connections
Workshop for Taiwan Studies: New Directions and Connections, organized by Professor David Der-wei Wang.
Modern China Lecture: Governing the Souls of Chinese Modernity
Speaker: Andrew Kipnis, Professor of Anthropology in the College of Asia and the Pacific at The Australian National University Philippe Descola argues that human societies can be categorized by the ways in which they utilize broad assumptions about interiority and physicality, where interiority refers to something similar to what Edward Tyler and James Frazer meant by […]
History in Images, History in Words: In Search of Facts in Documentary Filmmaking
Boston University Photonics Center 8 St. Mary's Street, 9th Floor, Boston, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Carma Hinton, Robinson Professor of Visual Culture and Chinese Studies, George Mason University Comments by: Gerald Peary, Suffolk University Sponsored by the BU’s Pardee School of Global Studies Center for the Study of Asia, Center for the Humanities, BU Arts Initiative, the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilizations, the Department of World Languages & Literatures, and […]
The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Ian Johnson is a Pulitzer-Prize winning writer focusing on society, religion, and history. He works out of Beijing and Berlin, where he also teaches and advises academic journals and think tanks. Johnson has spent over half of the past thirty years in the Greater China region, first as a student in Beijing from 1984 to 1985, […]
Environment in Asia Seminar: “Layer upon Layer: Experience, Ecology, Engineering, Heritage, and (most of all) History in the Making of China’s Agricultural Terraces”
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Sigrid Schmalzer, University of Massachusetts Amherst Professor Schmalzer's research focuses on social, cultural, and political aspects of the history of science in modern China. Her first book, The People's Peking Man: Popular Science and Human Identity in Twentieth-Century China, was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2008 and won the Sharlin Memorial Award from […]
Critical Issues Confronting China Series: China – End of the Reform Era
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Professor Carl Minzner, Fordham University School of Law Co-sponsored by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and the Harvard University Asia Center
Modern China Lecture Series: Ryōdōraku (良導絡) in New China: Sino-Japanese Medical Exchange in the 1950s and the Role of Machines in East Asian Medical Modernity
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Ruth Rogaski, Vanderbilt University In December of 1957, a medical delegation from the People’s Republic of China visited Japan as part of a decade-long series of semi-official cultural exchanges between the two former enemies. The delegation brought back a “Nakatani Ryōdōraku electrodermometer”—a scientific apparatus which, according to its inventor, Nakatani Yoshio, could be used […]