
Felix Wemheuer – Rebels in Power: Factionalism in Shandong during China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1969)

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Felix Wemheuer, Chair Professor of Modern China Studies, University of Cologne During the early Cultural Revolution (1966-1969), factional conflicts inside the CCP (Communist Party of China) and within the society resulted in civil war and the almost collapse of the party-state. Wemheuer will present Shandong Province as a case study for the development of factional conflicts at […]

Anne Reinhardt – Navigating Semi-Colonialism: Shipping, Sovereignty, and Nation-Building in China 1860-1937

Speaker: Anne Reinhardt, Williams College China’s status in the world of expanding European empires of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has long been under dispute.  Its unequal relations with multiple powers, secured through a system of treaties rather than through colonization, has invited debated over the degree and significance of outside control and local sovereignty.  […]

Harvard-Yenching Institute Annual Roundtable: Preserving Asia’s Colonial and Modern Architectural Heritage

CGIS South, Tsai Auditorium (S010) 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United States

Panelists: Fu Chao-Ching, Emeritus, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Kim Hyon-Sob, Department of Architecture, Korea University, South Korea Liu Chen, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China; HYI Visiting Scholar 2018-19 Thant Myint-U, Writer, Historian, and Founder and Chairman of the Yangon Heritage Trust Chair: Andrew Gordon, Harvard University/Acting Director, Harvard-Yenching Institute This year’s HYI roundtable will […]

Zhang Ying – Maimonides’s  Conception of Nature and Zhu Xi’s Doctrine of Principle/Coherence (Li理) and Material Force (Qi氣)

Speaker: Zhang Ying,  Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University; HYI Visiting Scholar 2018-19 Chair/discussant: David Stern, Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish and Hebrew Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature, Harvard University Maimonides (1138-1204) and Zhu Xi (1130-1200) are unparalleled in their transformation and renewal of the Jewish and the […]

Matthew Wells – The Vision to Restore the Empire: Manufacturing Monarchy and Empire in the Early 4th Century

CGIS South Room S354 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Matthew Wells, University of Kentucky This presentation will discuss part of an ongoing project that attempts to explain how the early leaders of the Eastern Jin understood and executed what Dennis Grafflin has called the “interesting task of reality construction” that was required for establishing their new empire in Yangzhou 揚州 in the early 4th century. […]

Yeling Tan – Disaggregating “China, Inc” – Explaining the Rise of Chinese State Capitalism

Starr Auditorium, Belfer Building, Floor 2.5, Harvard Kennedy School 79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Yeling Tan, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon When China joined the WTO in 2001, conventional wisdom held that global trade rules would provide a credible commitment to liberalization. While significant reforms did take place, scholars soon pointed to the emergence of a Chinese “state capitalism”. Why did the expansion of market-oriented institutions […]

Huang Xiangchun – The Art of Keeping Appropriate Distance: Practicing “Ethnicity” of the “Dan” (蜑) on the Margins Through Time

Speaker: Huang Xiangchun, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Xiamen University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2018-19| Chair/discussant: Robert Weller, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boston University What does  “ethnicity” mean in late imperial and modern China? How is it practiced in local society and to what extent does it shape local society and culture? This talk reflects on and […]

Melanie Manion – Xi Jinping’s Anticorruption Campaign

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Read event summary here Speaker: Melanie Manion, Duke University Melanie Manion is Vor Broker Family Professor of Political Science at Duke University. She studied philosophy and political economy at Peking University in the late 1970s, was trained in Far Eastern studies at McGill University and the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University […]

Symposium – Tale of Three Cities: Urban Regeneration Through Design and Cultural Innovation

Gund Hall Room 111 48 Quincy St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speakers: Yuan Qian, Director, Vanke Urban Research Institute Lemin Zhang, Xiamen University. Ruoxi Zhang, Xiamen University. Neill Mclean Gaddes, Principal, Sans Practice James Shen, Principal, People’s Architecture Office, Harvard Loeb Fellow 2018, Research Fellow - Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies In four decades China’s urban population has exploded, tripling to 58% of its total […]

Adam Segal – The Future of US-China Technology Competition

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Adam Segal, Council on Foreign Relations Adam Segal is the Ira A. Lipman chair in emerging technologies and national security and director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). An expert on security issues, technology development, and Chinese domestic and foreign policy, Segal was the project director […]