
William Hsiao – The Power of China’s Bureaucracy: Through the Health Sector Lens

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Read the event summary here Speaker: William Hsiao,  K.T. Li Research Professor of Economics in Department of Health Policy and Management and Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Panel Discussion – Early? Modern? Asia?: Three Perspectives

Panelists: Professor Carla Nappi, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh Professor Elaine Fisher, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University Professor Michael Charney, Department of History, SOAS, University of London Chair: Professor David Atherton, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University Early Modern Asia Seminar Series, Harvard University Asia Center

Ruth Mostern – The Natural and Unnatural History of the Yellow River

Speaker: Ruth Mostern, University of Pittsburgh The geographer Jamie Linton has observed that under conditions of human entanglement, there is no such thing as a hydrological cycle, and that we should seek to understand the dynamics of hydrosocial cycles instead.  Under anthropogenic conditions, water still precipitates and evaporates. Rivers are still fluvial systems in which […]

Cao Yin — From Policemen to Revolutionaries: A Sikh Diaspora in Global Shanghai, 1885-1945

Speaker: Cao Yin, Tsinghua University This talk will uncover the less-known story of Sikh emigrants in Shanghai in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It argues that the cross-border circulation of personnel and knowledge across the British colonial and the Sikh diasporic networks, facilitated the formation of the Sikh community in Shanghai, eventually making this […]

Panel Discussion – The Taiwan Elections of 2018: Implications for the Future

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Listen again:  Panelists: Ming-sho Ho, National Taiwan University Chang-ling Huang, National Taiwan University Steven Goldstein, Sophia Smith Professor of Government, Emeritus, Smith College  

Wang Zhen — An undesigned nuclear triangle of the U.S., China and India?

Speaker: Wang Zhen, Associate Professor of International Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Chair/discussant: Steven E. Miller, Director, International Security Program, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

Robert Daly – A Few Questions As We Barrel Toward the Brink: Has the United States Thought Through its Competition with China?

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Read the summary here Speaker: Robert Daly, Director, Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute on China and the United States Robert Daly has served as a U.S. diplomat in Beijing; as an interpreter for Chinese and U.S. leaders, including President Carter and Secretary of State Kissinger; as head of China programs at Johns Hopkins, Syracuse, and the […]