Reischauer Lecture Series – Stephen Owen
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesListen Again: Speaker: Stephen Owen, James Bryant Conant University Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University Stephen Owen is a sinologist specializing in premodern literature, lyric poetry, and comparative poetics. Much of his work has focused on the middle period of Chinese literature (200-1200), however, he has also written on literature of the early period and the Qing. […]
Film Screening and Lecture – Dragonfly Eyes
Radcliffe Knafel Center 10 Garden St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesThe Harvard Film Archive is pleased to present Xu Bing's Dragonfly Eyes on Monday October 15, 2018. Admission is free. Xu Bing will introduce the screening on Monday and will give the 2018-2019 Kim and Judy Davis Dean’s Lecture in the Arts at Radcliffe’s Knafel Center (10 Garden St., Cambridge) Tuesday October 16, at 4:15pm. The lecture is free, but registration […]
William Overholt – Myths in Sino-American Relations
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead the event summary here Speaker: William Overholt, President, Fung Global Institute; Senior Research Fellow Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Much of U.S. policy toward China is being driven by fundamental misunderstandings of China political structure, the pressures on it, its economic challenges, and the […]
Reischauer Lecture Series – Stephen Owen
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesListen Again: Speaker: Stephen Owen, James Bryant Conant University Professor, Emeritus, Harvard University Stephen Owen is a sinologist specializing in premodern literature, lyric poetry, and comparative poetics. Much of his work has focused on the middle period of Chinese literature (200-1200), however, he has also written on literature of the early period and the Qing. […]
Ngoc Tho Nguyen – Taking Root Wherever You Land: The Liturgical Transformation of Popular Cults Among Ethnic Chinese in Vietnam
Speaker: Professor Ngoc Tho Nguyen, Asia Center Visiting Scholar; Associate Professor in East Asian Cultural Studies, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City Chair: Professor Michael Szonyi, Frank Wen-Hsiung Wu Memorial Professor of Chinese History; Director, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University Asia Center Fellows Seminar Series; co-sponsored by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
Destination: World – Student Tales From Beyond the Comfort Zone
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesHarvard undergraduates sharing their stories of personal discovery, intellectual exploration, and global engagement made possible through travel abroad. Reception to follow. Cosponsored by: Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies Fairbank Center for […]
John Osburg – Consuming Belief: Han Chinese Practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism in the PRC
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead the summary here Speaker: John Osburg, University of Rochester
Press Freedoms in Asia – Perspectives From China, Myanmar, and Thailand
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeakers: David Barboza, The New York Times; former New York Times Shanghai Bureau Chief, 2013 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting Esther Htusan, Nieman Foundation Fellow; correspondent for the Associated Press in Myanmar Puangthong R. Pawakapan, Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute; Associate Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University Moderator: Mable Chan, Fairbank Center […]
Hong Wei – From Clean Stove to Rural Vitalization: The Anti-Politics Machine in China
Speaker: Hong Wei, Associate Professor, Institute of Science, Technology and Society, Tsinghua University; HYI Visiting Scholar 2018-19 Chair/discussant: Susan Greenhalgh, Professor of Anthropology and John King and Wilma Cannon Fairbank Professor of Chinese Society, Harvard University Promoting clean cookstoves in developing countries to improve public health has been a long-term endeavor in the Western world. In recent […]
郝春文 Hao Chunwen – 敦煌寫本齋文的分類、定名及其文本結構 Rethinking the Structure and Typology of Liturgical Texts From Dunhuang
This talk will be given in Mandarin Speaker: Hao Chunwen 郝春文, Senior Professor, Capital Normal University This talk gives an overview of recent scholarly thinking on the typology and structure of the liturgical texts found among the Dunhuang manuscripts. We can divide the thousands of liturgical texts found at Dunhuang into two main categories: liturgical protocols […]
China’s Belt Road Initiative in Eurasia: The Challenge of Fostering Sustainable Connectivity
CGIS South Room S354 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeakers: Philippe Le Corre, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School Mamuka Tsereteli, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, American Foreign Policy Council Nargis Kassenova, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University Discussant: Svante E. Cornell, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute Since its official launch in 2013, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has become a topic of intense […]
Jeffrey R. Williams – Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead the event summary here Speaker: Jeffrey R. Williams, Harvard Kennedy School