Undergraduate Language Studies Summer Semester
Application deadline(s): March 1, 2021
The Fairbank Center, in cooperation with the other Asia related area centers at Harvard, offers a number of grants and fellowships to students interested in China and Taiwan. These grants are open to undergraduates who plan to enroll in a summer Chinese language program for intermediate or advanced language study (2nd year or above) of the languages necessary to pursue research related to Chinese studies. Please apply through CARAT and follow the instructions carefully as they include all requirements, supplemental materials, and submission information.
All proposals should adhere to current University health and safety guidelines relating to the COVID-19 pandemic as detailed here. Due to the pandemic and ongoing travel challenges, proposals need not take place outside of the US and can be for fully remote programs.
Please apply to all funding sources that could cover your request and note on your application that you have done so. This will not hurt your chances of being selected for this grant, but it will increase your chances of being co-funded.