Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the U.S. delivers remarks to Harvard audience
On Tuesday April 17, 2018 the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University hosted His Excellency Cui Tiankai, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States. Ambassador Cui spoke at a public address, where he addressed pressing issues in U.S.-China relations.
Quoting Michael Szonyi’s introduction to the Fairbank Center’s recently-published book, The China Questions, Ambassador Cui spoke of the “understanding deficit” between the United States and China.
Ambassador Cui addressed recent escalating tensions between the U.S. and China over trade and tariffs, Xi Jinping’s removal of presidential term limits, military drills in the Taiwan Strait, and Beijing’s willingness to use force against Taiwan if the island were to attempt to sever claims of sovereignty from the mainland.

In addition, the Ambassador’s comments directly addressed the Trump Administration’s labeling of the PRC as a revisionist state in the international system.

Read more about the impact of Ambassador Cui’s talk at Harvard in the opens in a new windowHarvard Gazette, as well as other international media outlets:
The ‘understanding deficit’ between China, U.S., Harvard Gazette
Beijing will retaliate if US sparks trade war, China envoy warns, South China Morning Post
China envoy says China will retaliate if U.S. insists on trade war: Xinhua, Reuters
China and Xi Jinping Sent a Message to Taiwan (but Did Taipei Hear It?), The National Interest
Ambassador Cui: A trade war serves no meaningful purpose, China Daily
Chinese ambassador urges U.S. to abandon Cold War, zero-sum mentality, Xinhua
Stable China-U.S. relations contribute to global prosperity: Chinese ambassador to U.S., Xinhua