Shih-Diing Liu


2024-25 Visiting Scholar; Professor of Communication and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Macau


Shih-Diing Liu (刘世鼎) is Professor of Communication and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Macau. Liu’s research focuses on exploring the emotional dynamics of politics, the formation of popular identity, the expressive and embodied forms of political practices, and the psychology of nationalism in contemporary China. His books include The Politics of People: Protest Cultures in China (SUNY Press, 2019) and Affective Spaces: The Cultural Politics of Emotion in China (Edinburgh University Press, 2024, with Wei Shi). Continuing with a focus on emotion from the Affective Spaces project, his current research explores the intersection of affect and gender in contemporary China. Arguing that Chinese gender has increasingly become an archive of feelings marked by ambivalence toward authorities, this book project uncovers the power of emotion in negotiating the gendered order. Meanwhile, he is also working on a book project that explores the emotional capabilities of Artificial Intelligence.

Research Interests: Performative politics; politics of affect and emotion; gender as an archive of feelings; gender politics in popular culture and social media; the affective dynamics of AI