Winnie Chi-man Yip
Professor of the Practice of Global Health Policy and Economics, Fairbank Center Acting Director 2020-2021

Dr. Winnie (Chi-man) Yip (葉志敏) is Professor of the Practice of Global Health Policy and Economics in the Department of Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and also Director of the school wide China Health Partnership. Dr. Yip was previously a Professor of Health Policy and Economics at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, and Senior Research Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford, where she was director of the Global Health Policy Program.
Dr. Yip holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on: 1) the design, implementation and evaluation of systemic health care interventions, for improving affordable and equitable access to and the efficiency and quality of health care delivery, especially for the poor; 2) modeling and evaluating the effects of incentives on the behavior of providers (organization and individual) and patients.
Yip’s research encompasses both why health systems fail and how to improve them for the benefit of the people they serve. Her approach typically involves large-scale social experimentation of health system interventions by using experimental design to integrate the transformation of financing, incentives, organization and management. With a network of Chinese universities, Dr. Yip’s ongoing research projects cover over 25 million people in the low income provinces in China.
Yip often works in close collaboration with governments and she has extensive experience leading interdisciplinary teams with expertise in public health, economics, political economy, evaluation science, epidemiology, quality of care, marketing science, and management.
In addition to China, Dr. Yip has studied and advised health care reforms in the wider Asia region, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and she has extensive experience in executive training courses for senior health policymakers. She was the founding director of the Asia Network for Health System Strengthening.
Dr. Yip has served as an adviser to many international agencies, including the World Bank and the World Health Organization, and notably to the most recent World Bank’s Healthy China study that top Chinese leaders have accepted into their next Five Year Plan on Health. She has also been a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the National Academy of Medicine’s Standing Committee on Health Systems Strengthening. She is a Senior Editor of Social Science and Medicine (Health Policy editorial office), Associate Editor of Health Economics and Health Systems & Reform and serves on the editorial board for several other health policy publications.
Dr. Yip has published extensively in top policy and economics journals, such as the Lancet, Health Economics. Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Health Result Innovation Trust Fund (HRITF) of the World Bank, the European Union Commission, the Economics and Social Science Research Council.
Selected Publications
Recent Articles and Chapters
- Kai Shen Lim, Wei Aun Yap, and Winnie Yip. 2022. “Consume choice and public‐private providers: The role of perceived prices.” Health Economics.
- Hao Zhang, Luying Zhang, Roman Xu, Jay Pan, Min Hu, Weiyan Jian, Winnie Yip. 2022. “Can a global budget improve health care efficiency? Experimental evidence from China.” Health Economics.
- Annie Haakenstad , Anuska Kalita, Bijetri Bose, Jan E Cooper, Winnie Yip. 2022. “Catastrophic health expenditure on private sector pharmaceuticals: a cross-sectional analysis from the state of Odisha, India.” Health Policy and Planning.
- Mingqiang Li , Zhihui Li , Chi-Man (Winnie) Yip. 2022. “Informal Payments and Patients’ Perceptions of the Physician Agency Problem: Evidence from Rural China.” Social Science & Medicine.
- Terence C. Cheng, Hongqiao Fu, Duo Xu, Winnie Yip. 2022. “Technology Platforms Are Revolutionizing Health Care Service Delivery in China” [Commentary]. NEJM Catalyst.
- Duo Xu, Jiajia Zhan, Terence Cheng, Hongqiao Fu, Winnie Yip. 2022. “Understanding Online Dual Practice of Public Hospital Doctors in China: A Mixed-Methods Study.” Health Policy and Planning.
- Qiulin Chen, Duo Xu, Hongqiao Fu, Winnie Yip. 2022. “Distance Effects and Home Bias in Patient Choice on the Internet: Evidence from an Online Healthcare Platform in China.” China Economic Review (72).
- Min Hu , Wen Chen and Winnie Yip. 2022. “Hospital Management Practices in County-Level Hospitals in Rural China and International Comparison.” BMC Health Serv Res 22(1):64.
- Yi Lai , Hongqiao Fu , Ling Li , Winnie Yip. 2021. “Hospital Response to a Case-Based Payment Scheme under Regional Global Budget: The Case of Guangzhou in China.” Social Science & Medicine 292.
- Arthur Kleinman, Hongtu Chen, Sue E. Levkoff, Ann Forsyth, David E. Bloom, Winnie Yip, et al. 2021. “Social Technology: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improving Care for Older Adults.” Frontiers in Public Health(9).
- Wuping Zhou , Weiyan Jian , Zhifan Wang , Jay Pan , Min Hu and Winnie Yip. 2021. “Impact of Global Budget Combined with Pay-for-Performance on the Quality of Care in County Hospitals: A Difference-in-Differences Study Design with a Propensity-Score-Matched Control Group Using Data from Guizhou Province, China.” BMC Health Serv Res 21:1296.
- Xiaoshuang Zhao, Yumeng Zhang, Yili Yang, Jay Pan, Winnie Yip. 2021. “Avoidable Hospitalization for Diabetes and Hypertension in Rural Residents in Central China [我国中部农村居民糖尿病和高血压可避免住院现状研究].” Chinese Health Quality Management(in Chinese) 28(5):95-97.
- Haiyan Hu, Weiyan Jian, Hongqiao Fu, Has Zhang, Jay Pan, and Winnie Yip. 2021. “Health service underutilization and its associated factors for chronic diseases patients in poverty-stricken areas in China: a multilevel analysis.” BMC Health Serv Re 21(707).
- Shu Cai, Albert Park, and Winnie Yip. 2020. “Migration and Experienced Utility of Left-behind Parents: Evidence from Rural China.” Journal of Population Economics 35, 1225–1259.
- Cai, Shu, Albert Park, and Winnie Yip. 2020. “Time Well Spent Versus a Life Considered: Changing Subjective Well-Being in China.” Oxford Economic Papers.
- Song, Ze, Yishan Zhu, Hong Zou, Hongqiao Fu, and Winnie Yip. 2020. “A Tale of Transition: Trends of Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Impoverishment in Urban China, 1986-2009.” Health Systems & Reform.
- Feng, Zhanlian, Elena Glinskaya, Hongtu Chen, Sen Gong, Yue Qiu, Jianming Xu, and Winnie Yip. 2020. “Long-term care system for older adults in China: policy landscape, challenges, and future prospects.” The Lancet 396: 1362–1372.
- Lin, Xiaojun, Weiyan Jian, Winnie Yip, and Jay Pan. 2020. “Perceived Competition and Process of Care in Rural China.” Risk Management Healthcare Policy 13:1161-1173.
- Xi Li, Harlan M Krumholz, Winnie Yip, Kar Keung Cheng, Jan De Maeseneer, Qingyue Meng, Elias Mossialos, et al. 2020. “Quality of Primary Health Care in China: Challenges and Recommendations.” The Lancet 395 (10239): 1802–12.
- Abdo S. Yazbeck, William D. Savedoff, William C. Hsiao, Joe Kutzin, Agnès Soucat, Ajay Tandon, Adam Wagstaff, and Winnie Chi-Man Yip. 2020. “The Case Against Labor-Tax-Financed Social Health Insurance For Low- And Low-Middle-Income Countries: A Summary of Recent Research into Labor-Tax Financing of Social Health Insurance in Low- and Low-Middle-Income Countries.” Health Affairs 39 (5): 892–97.
- Muriel Levy, Yiping Chen, Robert Clarke, Derrick Bennett, Yunlong Tan, Yu Guo, Zheng Bian, Jun Lv, Canqing Yu, Liming Li, Winnie Yip, Zhengming Mihaylova, and Borislava China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group. 2020. “Socioeconomic Differences in Health-Care Use and Outcomes for Stroke and Ischaemic Heart Disease in China during 2009–16: A Prospective Cohort Study of 0·5 Million Adults.” The Lancet Global Health 8 (4): e591–602.
- Winnie Chi-Man Yip (editor). 2020. Health Care Policy in East Asia: A World Scientific Reference: Volume 1: Health Care System Reform and Policy Research in China. Vol. 1. 4 vols. World Scientific Series in Global Health Economics and Public Policy. World Scientific.
- Winnie Yip, Hongqiao Fu, Angela T Chen, Tiemin Zhai, Weiyan Jian, Roman Xu, Jay Pan, et al. 2019. “10 Years of Health-Care Reform in China: Progress and Gaps in Universal Health Coverage.” The Lancet 394 (10204): 1192–1204.
- Weiyan Jian, Jose Figueroa, Liana Woskie, Xi Yao, Yuqi Zhou, Zhengxiang Li, Changan Li, Li Yao, and Winnie C Yip. 2019. “Quality of Care in Large Chinese Hospitals: An Observational Study.” BMJ Quality & Safety 28 (12): bmjqs-2018-008938.
- Winnie Yip, Yue-Chune Lee, Shu-Ling Tsai, and Bradley Chen. 2019. “Managing Health Expenditure Inflation under a Single-Payer System: Taiwan’s National Health Insurance.” Social Science & Medicine 233 (July): 272–80.
- Winnie Yip. 2018. “Health Policy: A Reflection and Look Forward.” Social Science & Medicine 196 (January): 216–17.
- Anup Karan, Winnie Yip, and Ajay Mahal. 2017. “Extending Health Insurance to the Poor in India: An Impact Evaluation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana on out of Pocket Spending for Healthcare.” Social Science & Medicine 181 (May): 83–92.
- Eduardo Fe, Timothy Powell-Jackson, and Winnie Yip. 2017. “Doctor Competence and the Demand for Healthcare: Evidence from Rural China: Doctor Competence.” Health Economics 26 (10): 1177–90.
- Xiaojie Sun, Xiaoyun Liu, Qiang Sun, Winnie Yip, Adam Wagstaff, and Qingyue Meng. 2016. “The Impact of a Pay-for-Performance Scheme on Prescription Quality in Rural China: P4P And Prescription Quality In Rural China.” Health Economics 25 (6): 706–22.
- Peter C. Smith and Winnie Yip. 2016. “The Economics of Health System Design.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 32 (1): 21–40.
- Jian, Weiyan, Ming Lu, Kit Yee Chan, Adrienne N. Poon, Wei Han, Mu Hu, and Winnie Yip. 2015. “Payment Reform Pilot In Beijing Hospitals Reduced Expenditures And Out-Of-Pocket Payments Per Admission.” Health Affairs 34 (10): 1745–52.
- Timothy Powell-Jackson, Winnie Chi-Man Yip, and Wei Han. 2015. “Realigning Demand and Supply Side Incentives to Improve Primary Health Care Seeking in Rural China: Improving Primary Health Care Seeking In Rural China.” Health Economics 24 (6): 755–72.
- Winnie Yip and William Hsiao. 2014. “Harnessing the Privatization of China’s Fragmented Health-Care Delivery.” The Lancet 384 (9945): 805–18.
- Winnie Yip, Timothy Powell-Jackson, Wen Chen, Min Hu, Eduardo Fe, Mu Hu, Weiyan Jian, Ming Lu, Wei Han, and William C. Hsiao. 2014. “Capitation Combined With Pay-For-Performance Improves Antibiotic Prescribing Practices In Rural China.” Health Affairs 33 (3): 502–10.
- Winnie Chi-Man Yip, William C Hsiao, Wen Chen, Shanlian Hu, Jin Ma, and Alan Maynard. 2012. “Early Appraisal of China’s Huge and Complex Health-Care Reforms.” The Lancet 379 (9818): 833–42.
- 7 projects win Global Institute grants, The Harvard Gazette, 2019
- China cuts prices for 70 more drugs after talks with pharmaceutical firms, South China Morning Post, 2019
- Why Overreacting to the Threat of the Coronavirus May Be Rational, Time, 2020