In this book, Nara Dillon traces the origins of the Chinese welfare state from the 1940s through the 1960s, when such inequalities emerged and were institutionalized, to uncover the reasons why the state failed to achieve this goal.
This book is the definitive study of imperial Chinese local gazetteers, one of the most important sources for premodern Chinese studies.
In this book, Sukhee Lee posits an alternative understanding of the relationship between the state and social elites in the middle period of Chinese imperial history.
Out of print, superseded by 4th, 5th, and 6th Editions
Xiaojue Wang’s “Modernity with a Cold War Face” examines the competing, converging, and conflicting modes of envisioning a modern nation in mid-twentieth century Chinese literature.
This volume brings to English-language readers the results of an important long-term project of historians from China and Japan addressing contentious issues in their shared modern histories.
This book is about the ritual world of a group of rural settlements in Shanxi province in pre-1949 North China; it reconstructs North Chinese temple festivals in unprecedented detail, illuminating their importance to North Chinese village ritual.
This book is about the stories about Chineseness and sovereignty told among Macau residents and how these stories informed them in ways that allowed different relationships among sovereignty, subjectivity, and culture to become thinkable, while also providing a sense of why, at times, it may not be desirable to think them.
This book, a condensed translation of the prize-winning Jacqueries et révolution dans la Chine du XXe siècle, focuses on “spontaneous” rural unrest, uninfluenced by revolutionary intellectuals. Yet it raises issues inspired by the perennial concerns of revolutionary leaders, such as peasant “class consciousness” and China’s modernization.
James Robson’s analysis of the importance of the Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue) to the imperial cult and how this critical space was negotiated by Daoists and Buddhists demonstrates the value of local studies and the emerging field of Buddho–Daoist studies in research on Chinese religion.