Voters in the Republic of China on Taiwan headed to the polls on Saturday January 10, 2020 for the island’s seventh competitive general election.
Taiwan Studies
Emma J. Teng, Professor at M.I.T., and Wen-hui Anna Tang, Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan, discuss democratic values in Taiwan’s election.
Steven M. Goldstein reports on the Fairbank Center’s visit to Taiwan and mainland China in January 2019.
Steven Goldstein, Sophia Smith Professor of Government, Emeritus at Smith College and Fairbank Center Associate, examines Taiwan’s reaction to increasing diplomatic pressure from Beijing, and the United States’ response to the decline in states who recognize the Republic of China’s sovereignty.
Steven Goldstein, Director of the Fairbank Center’s Taiwan Studies Workshop, reports back from the group’s recent trip to Taiwan and the Mainland.
Professor Alastair Iain Johnston explains three paradoxes at the center of the new Trump administration’s approach to China and Taiwan, as part of the Fairbank Center’s new blog series on Trump and Asia.
Steven Goldstein, Sophia Smith Professor of Government at Smith College and Director of the Taiwan Studies Workshop at the Fairbank Center, examines what comes next for Taiwan’s first female president and cross-strait relations.
Emma J. Teng, Professor at M.I.T., and Wen-hui Anna Tang, Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan, explain why Taiwan’s election is so significant for women in Asian politics.
Professor Robert S. Ross, Professor of Political Science at Boston College and Fairbank Center Associate, examines the pressure that Taiwan’s election may exert on cross-strait relations.
Professor Steven Goldstein, Director of the Fairbank Center’s Taiwan Studies Workshop and Sophia Smith Professor of Government at Smith College, explains the impact of the DPP’s victory in Taiwan’s elections on cross-strait relations.