
Alex des Forges – The Examined Subject and the Natural Self in the Eight-Legged Essay

Speaker: Alex des Forges, University of Massachusetts - Boston This paper inquires into the rhetoric and practice of the individual voice in Ming dynasty examination essays, commonly referred to as shiwen (modern prose) or bagu wen (eight-legged essays). Beginning in the early 1500s, essay criticism and the essays themselves feature a rhetoric of the natural […]

Meow Hui Goh – Fake News, Genuine Words: The Power Dynamic of Literature in Early Medieval China

Speaker: Meow Hui Goh, Ohio State University As we grapple with the consequences of fake news, disseminated across the globe in high-speed internet to impact countries and communities on issues as grave as presidential election, gender discrimination, and ethnic cleansing, it might feel as if our world is treading on unchartered territory. But viral misinformation is […]