
The Master Branches Out: Images of Confucius in Contemporary China

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

As Confucius (551-479 BCE) has returned to political favor in recent years, his image has become ubiquitous in mainland China and increasingly used abroad to symbolize Chinese culture.  Represented in a great variety of media, both traditional and modern, depictions of the ancient teacher serve new purposes and address a much wider audience than ever […]

To Ransom Destiny: The Daoist Search for Deliverance in Medieval China

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Franciscus Verellen a former director of the Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient (2004-2014), where he also holds the chair in History of Daoism and currently serves as head of the EFEO Hong Kong Center.

Working with Looted Manuscripts: A Vindication of the Peking University Han Bamboo Strips

Over the last two decades, remarkable collections of Warring States, Qin and Han manuscripts have been purchased on the behalf of major academic institutions in China, offering exciting new materials that have the potential to dramatically impact the study of early China. By the same token, these collections also present a great risk to our […]

“Underworld Law and Leeway: Summoning the Earth God in Journey to the West” 鬼律與故縱:《西遊記》中的召喚土地

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

***This event will be conducted in Chinese*** Speaker: Li Fengmao 李豐楙 , Chair Professor, National Chengchi University; Professor Emeritus, Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 鬼律與故縱:《西遊記》中的召喚土地〉簡介 李豐楙 在西遊的奇傳敘述中,神魔鬥法前時常出現的,就是孫行者頻繁召喚土地,方能問明妖精、妖魔出處,其頻率雖高卻較少受到關注,原因應是被視為陪襯的小神。世德堂本敘述其出場方式,應該有其創作的用意,乃交互使用兩種聲音:顯聲音與潛聲音。前者借遊戲筆調表現滑稽的趣味,其實在掩飾其真實的潛聲音,主要即借此諷喻、影射明代、尤其世宗朝皇室。由於兩種聲音之間交織運用,若隱若現,亟待解讀。作者雖曾吸收先行材料,但其突破在其創意,乃化用了道、佛二教的文化資源。此處即從「召喚土地」情節切入,文本解讀配合文化解讀,其手法皆有宗教、尤其道教知識支持。在敘述層次上,顯聲音即召喚土地的方式,軟硬兼施,從喚出到拘得,形成表層聲音的滑稽趣味;唯關鍵的召喚動作簡繁俱有,即捻訣與念真言--從唵字到唵㘕淨法界,在此發現採用明代流行的准提信仰,因其盛行於文人中,作者即挪用密教的准提咒,並未襲用道教召土地神咒。而在召喚過程中,行者對待土地、山神的態度,即任意使喚;相對土地、山神則表現得異常惶恐。這種顯聲音背後隱藏的潛聲音,所運用的「故縱之嫌」筆法,乃化用道教法派的鬼律、黑律知識,用於規範城隍--土地:境內有精邪而未能通告者,即有故縱之嫌而會被杖或流放。作者所敍寫的當境土地,既知妖精、妖魔卻任令其行動,懼而未曾通報,此即「故縱之嫌」的敘寫手法。其目的則是諷喻,明代中葉以前實行里甲制,小說家影射當時事:其一明初洪武三年禮部官僚依禮定制里社壇制,即自然神;唯里甲居民仍崇拜人格神的土地,以致里社壇荒廢不用。其二里長、甲首負責里甲事務,即催稅、徴糧及徭役,但至中葉因稅役過重,導致里民逃脫,小說既有「逃門戶」、「大戶負擔元宵燈油」等,此種敘述即為潛聲音。其三敘述妖精、妖魔據洞稱王、差使土地,妖魔俱從天界私下凡間,此種顯聲音即試煉五聖、尤其唐僧的取經意志;並諷喻明代王府與地方豪族,在地方據土稱霸,使喚里長甲首。西遊交錯使用顯、潛兩種聲音,即可知荒唐、滑稽語底下,乃掩飾當世習知的社會怪現狀,當時人領會其諷喻手法的影射旨趣,今人則需重新解讀「故縱與鬼律」,方能深刻理解滑稽文學的嚴肅性,確定多層聲音所形成的交響,乃奇傳文體具有語言藝術的價值。 國立政治大學中國文學研究所國家文學博士,曾經擔任中央研究院中國文哲研究所研究員,其後轉任政治大學宗教研究所,擔任文學院講座教授,政治大學華人宗教研究中心主任;2015年退休後擔任中國文哲所兼任研究員、政治大學文學院榮譽講座教授。曾經訪問巴黎法蘭西學院、哈佛燕京學社;擔任中華民國「國科會」中國文學門召集人、「臺灣宗教學會」第二任理事長。

Xie Lingyun and Imperial Performance: Deploying the Language of the Chuci

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Harrison Huang,  Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University The reception of the Chuci anthology has been largely framed around the representation of the attributed author Qu Yuan as a loyal subject. This talk instead traces Qu Yuan 's earlier reception and contested status during the Han dynasty, to show how the Chuci repertoire […]

China Humanities Seminar: The Poetry Demon – Tensions within Chinese Buddhist Monks’ Literature

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Jason Protass is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Brown University. He completed doctoral work at Stanford University in 2016, and was a visiting researcher at Academia Sinica in Taipei and at Hanazono and Ryukoku universities in Kyoto. Buddhist monks in Song dynasty China were visited by a literary impulse that interrupted religious activities […]

China Humanities Seminar: Perceptions of China’s Sexual Economy

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Harriet Zurndorfer Abstract: This lecture focuses on men and women engaged in China’s sexual economy, which is dominated by the exchange between wealthy and politically influential men and unmarried young women who trade their femininity and sexuality for material wealth and financial security from these men. Drawing on analyses of the popular 2009 television […]

China Humanities Seminar: Forging a Master Key: Li Yu’s 李漁 Theory of Universal Theater

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: S.E. Kile, University of Michigan Studies of Li Yu’s theorization of playwriting and theatrical performance have generally focused on his creation of a new technical vocabulary for playwriting and performance, the relationship between his theory’s tenets and his own playwriting practice, and the impact of profit-seeking on his ideas. I propose that using technology […]

China Humanities Seminar – Huaben and the Mind

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Tina Lu, Yale University As a genre, huaben are relentlessly experimental. Sometimes these stories come close to stream of consciousness (especially in their depiction of dreams), and it is easy to lapse into habits of reading that consider those experiments proto-modernist. Tina Lu would like to take a step back and consider the ways […]

David Palmer & Elijah Siegler – Enchanting Huashan in the Global Spiritual Circuit: Intersecting Modes of Making Sacred Space

CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States

Speakers: David Palmer, University of Hong Kong Elijah Siegler, College of Charleston This talk is based on the newly released book Dream Trippers (University of Chicago Press), a multi-sited ethnographic study of transnational encounters between American Daoist spiritual tourists and practitioners and the Chinese monks and hermits of the sacred Daoist peak of Huashan. In this talk, the […]