During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
During Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]