Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Film Screening – People and Their Virtue: “Youth (Spring)” by Wang Bing
Harvard Film Archive, Carpenter Center 24 Quincy St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesShot between 2014 and 2019 and compiled from 2,600 hours of footage, Wang Bing’s latest opus centers on young migrant laborers in Zhili, an industrial town near Shanghai that is home to thousands of privately-run garment workshops. Employing his trademark long takes and fixed camera setups, Wang contrasts routine days of sewing, stitching and scissoring […]
Urban China Series Featuring Andrew Grant: Abject Space in Redevelopment: Urban Tibetans in Xining’s Old City Center
Presented via ZoomSpeaker: Andrew Grant, University of Tampa Examining Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, this talk argues that urban redevelopment and greenfield expansion have devalued the older urban areas in which Tibetans live. Through over twenty months of fieldwork between 2012 and 2017, I found that un-redeveloped urban places were becoming increasingly associated with crime, grime, and […]
Diachronic Analysis of Human-Object Relations: A Case Study of the Kavinyangang Ancestral Pots, Taiwan
Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesSpeaker: Chih-Hua Chiang, National Taiwan University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2023-24Chair/Discussant: Matthew Liebmann, Harvard University More info: https://www.harvard-yenching.org/events/diachronic-analysis-of-human-object-relations/ Venue
Tamar Grozwald Ozery – Law and Political Economy in China: The Role of Law in Corporate Governance and Market Growth
WCC 2036 Milstein East A, Harvard Law SchoolSpeaker: Tamar Groswald Ozery, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Panelists:William P. Alford (moderator), Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of Law, Director of East Asian Legal Studies, Chair of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability, Harvard Law SchoolRui Guo, Visiting Scholar, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law SchoolNicholas C. Howson, Pao […]
Erik Mueggler – Writing, Slavery, and Indigenous Sovereignty in Southwest China
Colloquium 101, Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering 601 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Massachusetts, United StatesSpeaker: Erik Mueggler, Professor Anthropology, University of Michigan Imperial China managed its border regions by negotiating power with indigenous chieftains. Hereditary chieftains were allowed sovereignty over indigenous domains in exchange for keeping the peace and lending their militias to imperial campaigns. Ming and Qing colonialism in the Southwest took the form of a long, staggered […]
Meg Rithmire – The Past, Present, and Future of State – Business Relations in China: Learning from Comparisons
Rubenstein 414AB 79 JFK St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeaker: Meg Rithmire, F. Warren McFarlan Associate Professor of Business of Administration, Harvard Business School. Over the last decade, China has gone from high rates of economic growth with private sector participation to state crackdowns on business and slowing growth, if not economic stagnation or crisis. Prof. Rithmire will draw on her research on relationships […]
Conference: China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) at Ten
Boston University Hillel House, 213 State Road 213 Bay State Road, Boston, MA, United StatesFor more information, including a complete agenda and speaker list, visit: https://www.bu.edu/asian/2023/09/13/conference-chinas-belt-road-initiative-bri-at-ten-us-naval-war-college-and-bu-oct-12-13-2023/ Venue
Asia-Africa Relations: Its Status and Possible Trajectories
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesSpeakers:Emmanuel K. Akyeampong, Harvard UniversityUfrieda Ho, Journalist and AuthorGayatri Sethi, Educator and AuthorDuncan Yoon, New York UniversityGeoffrey Jones, Harvard Business SchoolAnnette Skovsted Hansen, Aarhus UniversityIsaac Odoom, Carleton UniversityMarlous van Waijenburg, Harvard Business SchoolSeifudein Adem, Doshisha UniversityLina Benabdallah, Wake Forest UniversityMaria Adele Carrai, New York University ShanghaiIdriss Fofana, Harvard UniversityKumiko Makino, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
China Westward: Reimagining the Interwoven Material and Cultural Histories of China, Central Asia, and the Himalayas
Sackler Building Auditorium 485 Broadway, Cambridge, MA, United StatesAbout the Conference: This conference will explore historical interactions between China and the “Western Regions,” providing new insights into Chinese civilization and its global context. Experts will focus on the historical period when China was deeply engaged with the “Western Regions,” primarily from the 3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. The “Western Regions” […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]