Jie Qiao – Impact of COVID-19 on Maternal and Child Health in China and Its Global Lessons
A RECORDING OF THIS EVENT MAY BE FOUND AT: https://harvard.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=110ef590-303f-41dd-b32d-ac6b00e637fb Speaker: Jie Qiao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Director of Peking University Third Hospital Discussants: Michelle Williams, Dean, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Ana Langer, Professor of the Practice of Public Health and Coordinator of the Dean's Special Initiative on Women and […]
Environment in Asia Series Featuring Judith Shapiro and Yifei Li – Authoritarian Environmentalism and Chinese Ecological Civilization
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sdJJU2JhZ0&t=2177s https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/authoritarian-environmentalism-and-chinese-ecological-civilization-with-judith-shapiro-and-yifei-li Read the transcript of the event here. Speakers: Judith Shapiro, Director of the Masters in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development for the School of International Service, American University Yifei Li, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at NYU Shanghai,Global Network Assistant Professor, New York University; Residential Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment […]
Eviatar Shulman – What is a Discourse (Sutta)? Reconsidering the Nature of Early Buddhist Scripture
Speaker: Eviatar Shulman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem We commonly speak of the Buddha’s “discourses” – sutta, sūtra – knowing that they were not just spoken by him (or “him”) in this way, but nevertheless taking these texts as a clear category of authorized Buddhist speech, which scholars then ask to what degree they return to […]
Fairbank Center Director’s Seminar: Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health in China, India, and the United States
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URIoKLJrb8o https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/impact-of-covid-19-on-mental-health-in-china-india-and-the-us-fairbank-center-directors-seminar?in=fairbank-center/sets/public-lecture-series-fairbank Read the transcript of the event here. Moderator: Arthur Kleinman, Professor of Medical Anthropology, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Rabb Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Panelists: Xiao Shuiyuan, Professor, Central South University, Xianya School of Public Health […]
Modern China Lecture Series Featuring Covell Meyskens – Mao’s Massive Military Industrial Campaign to Defend Cold War China
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGH8wYKggXk https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/maos-massive-military-industrial-campaign-to-defend-cold-war-china-with-covell-meyskens Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Covell Meyskens, Assistant Professor of Chinese History, Naval Postgraduate School In 1964, the Chinese Communist Party made a momentous policy decision. In response to rising tensions with the United States and Soviet Union, a top-secret massive military-industrial complex in the mountains of inland China was […]
China and the World in the Post-COVID-19 Era
What will the impact be of COVID-19 on the global economy and how will that impact global health and the potential for global collaboration for a healthier future? Join “China and the World in a Post-COVID-19 Era” to gain perspectives on the post-pandemic outlook for trade and investment, sustainable development, collaborations in public health, and […]
Chinese Language Resources
The Harvard-Yenching Library is offering online bibliographic orientation sessions via Zoom to introduce you to the most important resources in Chinese, Japanese and Korean language resources. When: Nov 12, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://harvard.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqdOyurjotGNQFReBoL3L0wpgjXm0IhIlk After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about […]
Fairbank Center Director’s Seminar – Myths and Realities in Sino-American Relations
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1oY9_6u0qY&t=2137s https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/myths-and-realities-in-sino-american-relations-fairbank-center-directors-seminar?in=fairbank-center/sets/public-lecture-series-fairbank Speaker: William Overholt, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy SchoolModerator: Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus, Harvard University; Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton; Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama. Introduction by: Winnie Chi-Man Yip, Professor of Global Health Policy and Economics, Department of Global […]
China Town Hall: Society & Culture
Speakers: Raymond Chang, Major League Baseball China Lucas Sin, Junzi Kitchen Janet Yang, Janet Yang Productions Moderator: Alison Friedman, Performing Arts of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Starting with ping-pong diplomacy in 1971, cultural diplomacy has played a pivotal role in facilitating mutual understanding between the peoples of the United States and China. This event will […]
Javier Cha — The Big Data Turn in the Humanities: Sailing into Uncharted Waters
Speaker: Javier Cha, Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies, College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University; Visiting Scholar and Digital Historian-in-Residence, Department of History, Lingnan University The total amount of data created by 2020, if stored in a stack of single-layer Blu-ray discs, would reach seven times the distance between the Earth and the Moon. […]
Chinese Literature Across the Borderlands
Convened by: David Der-wei Wang, Harvard University Kyle Shernuk, Yale University Miya Qiong Xie, Dartmouth University This workshop aims to explore the shifting definitions of the borderland as a territorial gateway, a geopolitical space, a contact zone, a liminal terrain, and an imaginary portal. To this end, participants will explore the intersection of ethnic, linguistic, […]
Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Joseph Fewsmith – The Fifth Plenum: Implications for the Future
https://youtu.be/UGFXhhLyGbM https://soundcloud.com/fairbank-center/the-fifth-plenum-implications-for-the-future-with-joseph-fewsmith Read the transcript of the event here. Speaker: Joseph Fewsmith, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Boston University Pardee School of International Relations and Political Science. Part of the Critical Issues Confronting China Series Presented via Zoom Webinar