Frank Zhou

Harvard University


Frank Zhou writes for the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies about international relations, digital humanities research, and all things China. His reporting on young voters and students has won national awards from the Public Media Journalists Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Society of Professional Journalists, and more. He is the founding host and producer of The Harvard Crimson’s flagship news podcast, Newstalk (100+ countries, 2024 ACP National Podcast of the Year), and former co-president of North America’s largest student-run conference on U.S.-China relations, the Harvard College China Forum. His translations are published by the University of British Columbia’s Chinese Film Classics Project, and his photography is published by The Boston Globe and WBUR. He is the youngest member of the producing team on former New York Times Beijing Bureau Chief Jane Perlez’s award-wining podcast, Face-Off: The U.S. vs China.





Research Interests: China – U.S. Foreign Policy, Audio Journalism, Environmental Policy

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