Jennifer Altehenger’s Legal Lessons tells the story of how the party-state attempted to mobilize ordinary citizens to learn laws during the early years of the Mao period (1949–1976) and in the decade after Mao’s death.
Anne Reinhardt’s “Navigating Semi-Colonialism” examines steam navigation—introduced by foreign powers to Chinese waters in the mid-nineteenth century—as a constitutive element of the treaty system to illuminate both conceptual and concrete aspects of this regime, arguing for the specificity of China’s experience, its continuities with colonialism in other contexts, and its links to global processes.
This edited volume explores the local and global influences of both China and India as they play out in the contemporary era.
Tie Xiao’s Revolutionary Waves analyzes the centrality of the crowd in the Chinese cultural and political imagination and its global resonances by delving into a wide range of fiction, philosophy, poetry, and psychological studies.
This book, an in-depth study of Nationalist tariff policy, fundamentally challenges the widely accepted idea that the key to the Communist seizure of power in China lay in the incompetence of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government.
This book, the first of its kind in English, examines the reinvention of loyalism in colonial Taiwan through the lens of literature.
The essays in this volume propose “red legacies” as a new critical framework from which to examine the profusion of cultural productions and afterlives of the communist revolution in order to understand China’s continuities and transformations from socialism to postsocialism.
In this book, Hilde De Weerdt makes an important intervention in cultural and intellectual history by examining censorship and publicity together during Song China.
“Young China” is a synthesis of narrative theory and cultural history, it combines historical investigations of the origin and development of the modern Chinese youth discourse with close analyses of the novelistic construction of the Chinese Bildungsroman, which depicts the psychological growth of youth with a symbolic allusion to national rejuvenation.
Focusing on its adaptation in the Chinese context, Catherine Vance Yeh traces the genre of the political novel from Disraeli’s England through Europe and the United States to East Asia.