In Varieties of State Regulation, Yukyung Yeo explores how, despite China’s increasing integration into the global market, the Chinese central party-state continues to oversee the most strategic sectors of its economy.
Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies · The Feminist Awakening in China, with Leta Hong Fincher On the eve of International Women’s Day in 2015, the Chinese government arrested five
Wendy Leutert, An Wang Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and Fellow at the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program, examines the changing nature of Chinese state-owned enterprises as they continue to expand operations across the globe.
Protests erupted in Hong Kong last week between the government and protestors, who oppose a proposed bill that would allow extraditions to Mainland China.
Wen-hui Anna Tang (唐文慧) and Emma J. Teng analyze the legal and international context of Taiwan’s approval of same-sex marriage.
Steven M. Goldstein reports on the Fairbank Center’s visit to Taiwan and mainland China in January 2019.
Famine Relief in Warlord China is a reexamination of disaster responses during the greatest ecological crisis of the pre-Nationalist Chinese republic.
Joshua Hill’s “Voting as a Rite” examines China’s experiments with elections from the perspective of intellectual and cultural history.
The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University presents a visual guide to the leaders of China’s economy.
Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies · How to Survive as an Authoritarian Regime, with Martin Dimitrov The collapse of communist regimes at the end of the Cold War led