Exhibition Reception – Calligraphy • China Gene : Ronghua Jing
Gutman Library 6 Appian Way, Camrbidge, MA, United States"One brush reveals all" is the secret of calligraphy and the key of decoding aesthetics of traditional Chinese art. This exhibition consists of ten calligraphies and ten Chinese paintings, including Chinese landscape paintings and Chinese bird paintings. The connotation of Twin Ten, 十全十美 (Ten in Whole, Ten in Beauty) implies perfection in Chinese culture. In […]
Exhibition – Fire Dream: Zhao Meng and the Reinvention of the Clay Medium
CGIS South CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesExploring the myriad material possibilities of clay, Zhao pushes the boundaries of the medium while reworking traditional forms. A closing reception and panel discussion will feature artists and scholars Brad Miller, Jeffrey Moser, Sun Ren, Eugene Y. Wang, and Nigel Wood. Closing Event: Friday, October 25, 2019 | 4:00 - 6:00 PM Room 427 | […]
Exhibition – Treasures of the Za Library
CGIS South CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesThis exhibition in the first floor lounge of CGIS South features a selection of treasured items from the collection of the Za Library (Zashuguan 雜書館) and from the Harvard-Yenching Library. The Za Library is the biggest privately-owned library in mainland China that is open to the public. The Harvard librarians have also made available a […]
Panel Discussion – Archival and Private Collection in Modern China
CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United StatesRead and download the transcript of the event here. Speakers: Katherine Alexander, Assistant Professor of Chinese, University of Colorado at Boulder Riley Brett-Roche, The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellow (2018); PhD Candidate in History, Stanford University Xiaosong Gao, Director, The Za Library; Associate at the Department of EALC, Harvard University Michael Szonyi, Frank Wen-Hsiung Wu Memorial […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]
Harvard CAMLab Fall Public Visits
Sackler Building, Lower Level 485 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United StatesDuring Public Visits, CAMLab welcomes our audiences to explore immersive installations that stage cultural history with digital technologies. CAMLab Cave Public Visits are guided group tours. Reservations are limited to 15 per hour, in order to preserve the experiential dimension of CAMLab’s multisensorial project installations. Tours are led by a team of Harvard Student Educators, […]