Nirupama Rao – The Fractured Himalaya
Speaker: Nirupama Rao, Former Foreign Secretary of India and Ambassador to the United States and China Chair: Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs Part of the Borders in […]
China Humanities Seminar featuring Yuhang Li – Engineering Religious Bliss at the Qing Court: Jile shijie in the Beihai Park
Speaker: Yuhang Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison In 1770, with the purpose of presenting an unusual surprising gift to his mother Empress Dowager Chongqing (1692-1777) for her eightieth birthday, Emperor […]
POSTPONED: Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Xingxing Wang – Chinese Policy Toward North Korea
Regrettably, this event has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a future date. Speaker: Xingxing Wang, Professor& Director, Research Center for Strategy of Korean Peninsula, School of International Relations and […]
Victoria Chen – Coastal Formosan, Nuclear Austronesian, and beyond: How do Formosan languages Inform Theories of Austronesian Expansion?
Presented via ZoomThe Indigenous languages of Taiwan feature two patterns of morphological discrepancy. First, only some possess a symmetrical morphological paradigm associated with a phenomenon known as ‘noun-verb homophony'. Second, only a handful of the languages allow the Proto-Austronesian stative affix ma- to be used in a transitive clause. This talk addresses how these two foci of variation inform our understanding of the Austronesian diaspora and further explains how new comparative data on these phenomena offers a simpler answer to two ongoing debates in the field.
Cancan Liao – The Interpretations of “Heaven”: Encounter, Conflict and Accommodation between Chinese Literati and European Jesuits in late Ming China
Presented via ZoomSpeakers Late Ming and Early Qing was a period during which China underwent a transformation both on intellectual thoughts and society life, influenced with Western natural science (more precisely, natural […]
Norihisa Baba – Sanskrit vs Pāli: Buddhaghosa’s Linguistic Turn and its Impacts on Mainland Southeast Asia
Presented via ZoomTopics: Speakers Venue
China Humanities Seminar featuring David Mozina – Ritual and Relationship in Daoist Practice
Speaker: David Mozina, Author, Knotting the Banner More information coming soon!
Critical Issues Confronting China series featuring John Haigh
Speaker: John Haigh, Co-Director, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government; Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy SchoolModerator: William Overholt, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School John Haigh is Co-Director of the […]
Contemporary Chinese Society Lecture Series featuring Eli Friedman – The Urbanization of People: The Politics of Development, Labor Markets, and Education in the Chinese City
Speaker: Eli Friedman, Chair and Associate Professor, Department of International and Comparative Labor, ILR School, Cornell University Presented via Zoom Also streaming on YouTube Transcript: Download Transcript
Wendy Leutert – The Reform & Global Expansion of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises
Speaker: Wendy Leutert, Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, Indiana University Bloomington. Discussant: Meg Rithmire, F. Warren MacFarlan Associate Professor in […]
Chinese Religions Seminar featuring Vincent Goossaert – Social Networks of the Gods in Late Imperial Spirit-Writing Altars
Presented via ZoomSpeaker: Vincent Goossaert, Professor of Daoism and Chinese Religions, École Pratique des Hautes Études Chinese social life is saturated with interactions with entities other than living humans - ancestors, suffering […]