Latest Past Events
Modern China Lecture Series: (Self-)Disciplining the Corporation: FCPA Practice, Compliance, and Global Anti-Corruption Regimes in China
Speaker: Matthew S. Erie, Associate Professor of Modern Chinese Studies, University of Oxford An expansive literature examines the question of norm diffusion and legal transplantation, particularly in regards to democracy, transparency, and human rights, in the developing world, and, especially, China. To the extent that such analyses consider human actors, these are usually public interest lawyers, NGOs, […]
Who Will Represent China’s Workers?: Lawyers, Legal Aid and the Representation Gap
Speaker: Aaron Halegua, Research Fellow, NYU Law School's US-Asia Law Institute and Center for Labor and Employment Law.
China’s Rise in the Asia-Pacific Region and Japanese Foreign Policy
CGIS Knafel K262 1737 Cambridge Street, CambridgeSpeaker: Makato Iokibe Senior Fellow, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs; Chancellor, Prefectural University of Kumamoto; President, National Defense Academy of Japan (2006-12); formerly Professor of History, Kobe University Discussant: Arne Westad S.T. Lee Professor of U.S.-Asia Relations, Harvard Kennedy School. Organized by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Program on U.S.-Japan Relations; Co-Sponsored by the […]