
Heritage Matters: Post-demolition urban redevelopment in China

A Q+A with Anthropologist Philipp Demgenskiand Urban China Seminar co-organizer Li Hou Philipp Demgenski, Assistant Professor in Anthropology in the Department of Sociology at Zhejiang University. Philipp Demgenski, Assistant Professor in Anthropology in the Department of Sociology at Zhejiang University,…

Meet Our Fellows 2024-25: Jason Chan

We continue our series of Q+As introducing you to the Fairbank Center’s new Fellows with Jason Chan, whose research is being supported by a 2024-25 Desmond and Whitney Shum Fellowship. Jason is a Ph.D. candidate in modern Chinese history at…

Meet Our Fellows 2024-25: Sarah Plovnick

Last week, it was our pleasure to introduce you to Hardy Stewart, the Fairbank Center’s new Hou Family Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Taiwan Studies. We are now happy to introduce you to Sarah Plovnick, our Hou Family Postdoctoral Fellow. Her dissertation, titled “Listening Through the…

Meet Our 2024-25 Fellows: Hardy Stewart

Following profiles on our two An Wang Fellows earlier this month, Shengqiao Lin and David Qihang Wu, we are happy to introduce you to our new Hou Family Fellows in Taiwan Studies. Hardy Stewart is a Ph.D. Candidate in Chinese Language at the University of California, Berkeley, where…

Meet Our 2024-25 Fellows: Shengqiao Lin

Earlier this summer, we announced the recipients of our 2024-25 An Wang and Hou Family fellowships. Now, we would like our community to get to know these special scholars a bit better.  First, meet Shengqiao Lin, one of our new An Wang Postdoctoral…