
The Role of Long-Duration Storage in Decarbonizing China’s Power Sector

Pierce Hall Room 301 29 Oxford St., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Speaker: Haiyang Jiang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-China Project The increasing integration of renewable energy sources introduces significant long-term uncertainty to power systems, creating challenges for maintaining energy balance over extended periods. Traditionally, coal-fired generation has provided the flexibility needed to address these imbalances. However, as coal-fired generation is phased out, long-duration storage emerges as a promising solution […]

Du Ying – The Cinematic Cold War Between the US and the PRC: Hong Kong, 1950s–1960s

Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Speaker: Du Ying, Professor, Chinese Literature, East China Normal University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2024-25Chair/Discussant, David Wang, Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University This talk examines the policies and strategies of the United States and the People’s Republic of China in controlling cinematic production and access in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia during […]

Andrew Collier — The Decline of China’s Property Market and the Global Economy

Room L-163, Littauer Building 79 JFK St., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Speaker: Andrew Collier, Senior Fellow, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government, Harvard Kennedy School From 1992 until the boom ended in 2021, Chinese home property sales grew at an average rate of 25 percent per year. China was awash in new construction — often in the middle of empty fields far from city centers. In […]

Modern China Lecture featuring Tong Lam — Let the Ore Speak: Extractivism and China’s Early Cold War Mobilization

CGIS South Room S250 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Speaker: Tong Lam, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto From Chairman Mao’s “receiving” of an ore in Zhongnanhai to the nationwide mapping of mineral resources and the mass movement for sighting and reporting minerals, the 1950s marked the beginning of what could be described as China’s age of extractivism. The intensifying interactions between […]

Urban China Lecture Series Featuring Bruce Pang — China’s Property Market: Navigating the Evolving Landscape

Presented via Zoom

Speaker: Bruce Pang, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) Greater China For the past three decades, the real estate sector has been a cornerstone of China’s economic growth, social development, and urbanization. Commercial real estate, in particular, has thrived due to vigorous domestic growth and seamless integration into the global marketplace, resulting in a mature, diverse, and thriving […]

Beijing’s Multiple Facets from the Qing to the Present (1644-2025)

Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University 121 Bay State Rd, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Speakers:XU Yamin, Department of History, Lemoyne College Eugenio Menegon, Department of History, Boston UniversityDaigengna Duoer, Department of Religion, Boston UniversityCathy Yeh, World Languages and Literatures, Boston UniversityMA Zhao, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Washington University in St. LouisMin Ye, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston UniversityJorge Heine, Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University Presentations followed by Q&A and conversations on the history of Beijing, […]

Urban China Lecture Series Featuring Koji Hirata — Local Governments and Central SOEs: Historical Evidence from Angang

Presented via Zoom

Speaker:  Koji Hirata, Monash University This presentation examines the city of Anshan in Liaoning Province as a case study to explore the interactions between large state-owned enterprises and local governments in Mao-era China. Anshan was home to China's largest steel enterprise at the time, Anshan Iron and Steel Works (Angang). Although Angang was primarily controlled […]

Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Jianbo Huang — Can China Live Without Religion?

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Jianbo Huang, Professor of Anthropology, East China Normal University Jianbo Huang is Professor of anthropology at East China Normal University (ECNU), director of the Institute of Anthropology, and the Center of Ethnicity and Development. Before joining ECNU in 2014, he was a faculty member of anthropology institute, Renmin University of China since 2005. After receiving […]

Urban China Lecture Series Featuring Amy Zhang

Presented via Zoom

Speaker:  Amy Zhang, New York University This event series is sponsored by the MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab, the University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning, and the Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies. Zoom Meeting Link: Venue

Critical Issues Confronting China Series featuring Admiral James Stavridis, USN (Ret.) — Crisis Scenario: Imagining U.S.-China Relations and War in the Pacific

CGIS South S020, Belfer Case Study Room 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA, United States

Speaker: Admiral James Stavridis, USN (Ret.), Partner and Vice Chair, Global Affairs, The Carlyle Group; Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rockefeller Foundation Admiral James Stavridis is Partner and Vice Chair, Global Affairs of The Carlyle Group and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, following five years as the 12th Dean […]

Li Miao — Retaining Desire for Social Mobility Within and Beyond Schooling: A Longitudinal Ethnography of Migrant Youth in China

Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. 2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

Speaker: Li Miao, Professor, Department of Sociology, Shandong University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2024-25Chair/Discussant: Emily Hannum, Professor of Sociology and Education; Associate Dean, School of Arts & Sciences, University of Pennsylvania Based on the results of China’s seventh national population census in 2020, 71.09 million children of migrant-peasant workers have participated in rural-urban migration for family […]