Jannis Jizhou Chen presents a short story inspired by his summer trip to Berlin, funded by the Fairbank Center’s Summer Grant.
Jane Zhang, MDes ’17 in Urbanism, Landscape, Ecology candidate at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, explores how food and changing tastes impact landscape in China’s Zhejiang Province.
Ruodi Duan — Ph.D. candidate in Harvard’s History Department — explains how Chinese depictions of African American internationalism and social movements help us better understand racial nationalism in the Cold War.
Janice Jia ’17 describes her summer working in a Beijing teppanyaki restaurant conducting first-hand research on the lives of migrant workers.
Amy Hao, a junior in Harvard’s Leverett House, describes volunteering in a home for children of incarcerated parents in Beijing.
Björn Jerdén, former Fairbank Center pre-doctoral fellow and currently Head of the Asia Program at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, asks what Beijing needs to do to be considered a global leader.
Keisha A. Brown, Assistant Professor of History at Tennessee State University, describes how traveling in China inspired her to research how blackness was historically perceived in modern China.
Heng Du — Ph.D. Candidate in Chinese Literature and Fairbank Center Graduate Student Associate —describes how Twitter #hashtags emulate the narrative setting of philosophical texts during China’s Warring States period.
Annemieke van den Dool examines how public health scandals influence China’s laws, and how prepared China is for a new pandemic.
Eric Schluessel — Assistant Professor of Chinese History and Politics at the University of Montana, and former Fairbank Center Graduate Student Associate— describes his experience moving from Ph.D. life at Harvard to an Assistant Professorship in Western Montana. What tips does he have for current Ph.D. students on the job market?