For the first interview of The Policymakers series, Kenneth I. Juster, U.S. Ambassador to India from 2017 to 2021, sat down with Mark Wu, Director of the Fairbank Center for […]
Kenneth I. Juster, AB ’76, MPP ’79, JD ’79, served as the U.S. Ambassador to India from 2017 to 2021. During his November 1, 2023 Critical Issues Confronting China talk,
In a special talk with Confucian expert Daniel A. Bell, three scholars consider the evolving role of Confucianism in China During the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Mao and his Red Guards
Speakers:Richard C. Bush, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Center for East Asia Policy Studies (CEAP), Brookings InstitutionJIA Qingguo, Director and Professor, Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking UniversityWei-Ting Yen, Assistant Professor
Author: Meg Rithmire, F. Warren McFarlan Associate Professor in Business, Government, and International Economy at Harvard Business School About the book Relationships between political and business elites are crucial in
S.T. Lee Professor of U.S.-Asia Relations
Speaker: David Barboza, Co-founder of The Wire and WireScreen David Barboza is the co-founder of The Wire Digital Inc., a New York-based news and data platform focused on China and
Author: Yasheng Huang, Epoch Foundation Professor of Global Economics and Management at MIT Sloan School of Management; Nonresident Associate, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies About the book Chinese society has
Fairbank Center faculty and staff returned to China this summer, reconnecting after the long pandemic hiatus. A number of faculty members are eager to resume academic exchanges with their counterparts in China.